Return on investment (ROI) is a measure of profitability, which is expressed as a percentage, used to gauge or rate how an investment has performed. Sellers can determine ROI by comparing the cost of their investment (in the development of a product, for example) against their net profit.
Running successful Amazon PPC campaigns can be a challenge, but the benefits cannot be overstated. Learn about different PPC ad types like Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display Ads, and discover how to leverage them for maximum impact.
In time for the holiday sales season, Amazon has unveiled new digital video advertising and streaming ad solutions to help sellers more efficiently create and share interactive videos with their customers.
Prime Day 2022 was a wild ride for sellers. Prime members purchased more than 300 million items worldwide — more than 100,000 items per minute — during the two-day event on July 12 and 13. It was the biggest Prime Day to date.
Measuring Marketing ROI and understanding B2B marketing benchmarks are some of the biggest challenges we've heard from marketers looking to setup marketing goals and optimize budgets.