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August 28, 2023
Shannon Curley
For Your Business

3 Little Known External Traffic Types That Will Boost Sales & Rank For Your Amazon FBA Business

3 Little Known External Traffic Types That Will Boost Sales & Rank For Your Amazon FBA Business

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In the dynamic world of selling on Amazon, achieving success goes beyond mere listing optimization and product quality. To truly excel and increase ranks and profits for your Amazon FBA business, it is essential to tap into the potential of external traffic. 

In this article, we will explore the critical role of external traffic for businesses on Amazon, emphasizing the strategic value of retargeting and utilizing best-in-class software to streamline campaigns and optimize ad spend. 

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Use External Traffic to Drive Amazon Rank and Conversions 

External traffic is a critical trigger for Amazon merchants to increase their reach and sales. Sellers can attract new customers and raise brand exposure outside the Amazon platform by harnessing external sources of traffic, resulting in new revenue streams. 

External traffic also plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) and can positively impact your product rankings on Amazon. 

Want to see which of your ASINs could be primed for a guaranteed increase in rank in under 60 days? Start a FREE ASIN audit with PixelMe today.

Boost Rank with External Traffic: How it Works

Your product ranking is determined by Amazon’s algorithm. While the exact details are a mystery, we know that an increase in sales, conversion, and engagement with your listings can help improve your ranking. And driving external traffic can help with each of these factors.

So, what do we mean by external traffic? Let’s dive in.

External traffic can be categorized into three primary types: Earned, Mixed/Mid-Tier, and Paid.

  1. Earned traffic is the result of organic efforts that generate buzz and attention for your brand. This category includes various channels such as:
  • Influencer recommendations: from social media influencers or industry experts.
  • Seeded blogs: articles or blog posts that feature your products organically.
  • Customer reviews: positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • Press coverage: write-ups in reputable media outlets 
  1. Mixed or Mid-tier traffic involves a combination of organic efforts and promotional initiatives. Examples of this category include:
  • White-listed ads: advertisements on trusted platforms with targeted audiences
  • Affiliate links with bonus commission: Partnerships with affiliates who promote your products for a higher commission.
  1. Paid traffic encompasses targeted advertising campaigns that involve monetary investment. The most common sources of paid traffic include:
  • Google ads: ads displayed on the Google search engine or the Google Display Network.
  • Other ad platforms: advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn.

While Earned and Mid-tier external traffic may take time and resources to build and profit from, Paid traffic provides a shorter path to implementation. 

With the help of PixelMe, sellers and agencies can launch and optimize paid advertising campaigns quickly and efficiently. PixelMe uses AI-powered keyword recommendations and proprietary, patent-pending technology to launch campaigns with a focus on conversion optimization. 

PixelMe’s software can identify keywords that have a high opportunity to increase in organic rank. This has helped other businesses on Amazon to move up from number 55 to 10 in a month, and from number 15 to 5 in a couple of weeks. 

Not only do they continue to innovate and lead the industry in external traffic solutions, but PixelMe has also achieved Verified Partner status with Amazon and partner status with Google, and continues to work with this exceptional marketplace platform to keep bringing solutions to sellers by working with programs such as the Amazon Attribution.

RELATED: How Amazon Sellers Can Grow Off-Amazon Traffic to Increase Profitability

Why It Works

Focusing on external traffic from off-Amazon campaigns allows you to meet your potential customers where they already are. That's how PixelMe has 3x'd Google campaigns and lowered ACOS for its customers, all while staying Amazon TOS-compliant (not to mention, they're Amazon Ads Verified Partners, Emerald App Partners, and an Amazon Software Partner).

So what's the deal?

Customers are on Amazon specifically with the intent to purchase an item, so capturing their business comes down to listings, ranking, etc. When they are on other sites like social media or news, their intent is not necessarily to purchase. External traffic can help to entice customers who were not already thinking about making a purchase. 

Strategically utilizing various marketing channels such as social media, search engine optimization, influencer collaborations, and targeted advertising lets businesses tap into previously untapped markets and introduce their products to a broader consumer base. This provides an opportunity to generate new leads, build brand awareness, and eventually increase conversions.

But don’t just take our word for it.

Amazon expert Adam Runquist breaks down the secret to external traffic and boosting rank on Amazon in his Heist video series, featuring PixelMe:

Amazon Ads Verified partner
PixelMe is an Amazon Verified partner and Google partner

Stay Top of Mind with Retargeting

Retargeting is a game-changer for external traffic strategies. It involves re-engaging potential customers who have previously shown interest in your products.  

Retargeting works by embedding a pixel or code snippet on your website, which enables you to track visitors and show them tailored ads as they navigate other websites or social media platforms. 

This approach increases the likelihood of conversions by reaching out to customers who are already familiar with your brand. It has been shown to help keep products at the forefront of a potential customer's mind, lowering the chances of a lost sale through external distractions or forgetfulness.   

Retargeting can help grow your customer base on more than just Amazon, too. Many customers prefer to purchase through Amazon since it is a familiar and trusted marketplace, but once they have purchased your product, you can retarget them to help boost your DTC revenue as well. 

Retargeting operates on two levels: technical and strategic

  • Technically, it involves placing pixels, tracking codes, and utilizing ad platforms to deliver personalized ads. 
  • Strategically, it allows you to reinforce your brand message, showcase product benefits, and address any concerns or hesitations customers may have.

Even though retargeting is a proven strategy for boosting conversion rates and organic traffic, many Amazon sellers are under-leveraging their retargeting potential. 

Tools like PixelMe can help maximize your retargeting efforts across platforms. For example, if you spend the money on a highly relevant ad target, or work with an influencer to drive a highly relevant audience through your PixelMe link, you can then retarget them to stay "top of mind," even if they don't convert into a purchase on the first click. This allows you to keep showing your product (or even related products) to a highly relevant audience, often at a much lower customer acquisition cost (CaC.) 

From One User Giant to Another

Google ad campaigns have a major impact on Amazon ranking. Other well-known platforms such as Meta sites, and TikTok, also hold more value than smaller sites, including blogs and the like. 

Launching successful Google ad campaigns requires careful optimization and timing. By leveraging Google ads correctly, you can target potential customers who are actively searching for information or products similar to yours. Strategically linking these ads to your Amazon listings can drive high-intent traffic directly to your product pages. 

At the same time, optimizing your product listings on Amazon and aligning them with your ad campaigns will create a more cohesive brand appearance and enhance the overall impact of your external traffic efforts.

RELATED: How To Optimize Amazon Attribution – the Secret to Off-Amazon Marketing

External Traffic: Using Off-Amazon Traffic to Succeed on Amazon 

By using retargeting strategies and multichannel advertising to drive external traffic, businesses can increase on-Amazon conversions with off-Amazon campaigns. Moreover, driving external traffic to Amazon can increase Amazon rank and create new revenue streams for potential customers. 

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Supercharge Your External Traffic with PixelMe 

Take on the ever-changing world of Amazon advertising the newly relaunched PixelMe, an Amazon Verified Partner and Google partner for off-Amazon advertising. 

Revolutionize your ranking strategies with PixelMe’s proprietary, patent-pending technology to identify keyword opportunities and boost your rank in the most effective TOS-compliant way.

PixelMe’s cutting-edge software transforms how businesses measure and optimize their external traffic and off-Amazon advertising campaigns. From accurate retargeting and attribution-tracking, to comprehensive analytics and AI-powered recommendations, PixelMe empowers sellers, agencies, and advertisers to drive organic rank, increase conversions, and maximize ad spend and return. 

Want to learn more about how PixelMe can take your external traffic to the next level? Sign up for a FREE ASIN audit here.

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