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10 B2B Facebook Video Ad Examples That Convert

10 B2B Facebook Video Ad Examples That Convert

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Facebook Video Ads continue to grow in two directions if we were to look at a growth chart: up and to the right, just like a hockey stick 📈.

Videos are by nature a highly engaging and viral medium - so you might be wondering what the best ways are for creating video ads that are attention-grabbing while still helping you get customers.

Below, we'll show you 10 examples of effective Facebook Video Ads from leading B2B companies to give you some ideas for getting started. Each example highlights a key video ad feature, and how it helps convert viewers into customers, so you'll have more variables to test and optimize in your own video ads.

💥 Before getting started, here are a few tools for success:

  • Find all active or inactive ads from any business with the Facebook Ad Library. We use it often for inspiration, so search away to find even more ad examples! 🎉
  • Use this step-by-step guide to create Facebook Video Ads in just minutes using their free video templates.
  • Measure your Facebook Ads ROI across campaigns as well as how Facebook compares to other channels, with marketing attribution tools like Smart Attribution.

To begin, we'll cover some core components of a Facebook Video Ad to keep in mind when you're looking to boost conversions 🚀.

What Makes A Great Facebook Video Ad?

Just like with any Facebook Ad, there's a few key components to test when optimizing your video ads.

  • 📺 Creative: Videos have been on a growth spurt for the simple fact that they're engaging and fun to watch. Ensure you capture people's attention within the first 3 seconds and keep videos short (less than 1 minute).
  • 🎯 Targeting: Testing different targeting options and audiences is key for finding the right customers. Toucan Toco has seen 10% of new customers come from using retargeting tools like Audience Builder to retarget their ads to anyone who's clicked on their links.
  • ✍️ Content: Tailor your video ad text and content to each audience you target, and try different value propositions. Remember to include subtitles and visual cues in your video, since 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound.

A few more tips to keep in mind when creating video ads:

  • 🔕 By default, videos play without sound. People viewing the video can choose to turn it on.
  • Videos over 30 seconds won't play on loop continuously.
  • 🔁 Videos under 30 seconds will loop continually for 90 seconds. If your video includes a CTA button, the button will appear in the bottom-right corner under your video.

Now, let's take a look at some engaging videos you can try out for yourself!

10 Examples of Engaging B2B Facebook Video Ads

1. SEMrush: Keep Videos Short

SEMrush, a leading SEO tool, promotes their free SEO fundamentals course using a short and snappy video that's only 22 seconds long.

They engage users right away with the line: "Anyone that wants to learn more about SEO would benefit from this class." The part that stands out most, is that their video ad is very to the point and focused on key content the course provides, with no additional fluff.


💪 Pro tips:

  • Include subtitles so people can easily follow your video if they choose not to turn on sound.
  • Test video lengths in increments, to see what converts best e.g. 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute.

2. MobileMonkey: Tell A Story

MobileMonkey, a Facebook chatbot platform created by the founder of WordStream, tells a story in both their ad text and video.

They start by highlighting data about chat automation in the industry, then describe how MobileMonkey can help, then showcase a customer testimonial to tie it together, and finally end with a clear CTA.

MobileMonkey video

💪 Pro tips:

  • Use emojis in your video ad text to highlight top features to make your ad pop in News Feed. Especially if your video is longer than 30 seconds, which won't automatically loop.
  • Include a CTA button on your video ad, such as "Learn More" or "Sign Up" so people have a place to easily clickthrough and take action.
  • You can also take advantage of the headline description, which get shown in Desktop News Feed, to feature customer quotes or success data points from customers.

3. Shopify: Include Subtitles

Shopify, the giant e-Commerce platform, uses clear subtitles when promoting 1-minute case study videos during Earth Day 🌎, that feature customers like Final Straw.

Shopify enhances the narration from Final Straw's founder talking about how they're changing the world with collapsible straws, by providing subtitles at the top or bottom of each frame.


💪 Pro tips:

  • Telling stories is a common theme we've seen across major B2B businesses running video ads and to keep in mind when creating your video narrative.
  • Try creating video ads based on key moments, holidays, or events to engage users with time-sensitive promotions.
  • Add a CTA button and include specific actions at the end of your video to increase conversions.

4. AdRoll: Feature Success Stories

AdRoll, the display retargeting platform, spotlights customers and tells their success stories through video ads.

They keep the video engaging by having the CEO of "I'd Rather Be With My Dog" tell their story, with some animations in the background.

They also keep their ad text short to 2 lines only, with a clear CTA to Sign Up.

AdRoll video

💪 Pro tips:

  • Include key customer stats in your ad headline to show the value you can bring.
  • Try adding social proof like AdRoll did, by highlighting 37,000+ other businesses using their platform.

5. Facebook: Customize Ad Text To Your Audience

Facebook promotes their Facebook Groups, by adapting their ad text and short video creative to the audience they're targeting.

They use the text "Parents, this one's for you", and feature a Facebook Group for parents in the video.

Though this specific video ad is B2C focused, you can use the same strategy to tailor your video content and ad copy to a few key audience niches.

Facebook Groups video

💪 Pro tips:

  • Customize by location: In addition to customizing by life stage, you can customize the ad text based on a person's location. For example, if you've setup your Ad Sets by country or city, you can tailor your ads accordingly to each country or city.
  • Use link retargeting: B2B companies like JotForm retarget anyone who's clicked on links they've shared (including 3rd party links!) with Audience Builder.
  • A/B test video content & length: Facebook's Groups video is only 15 seconds long and highlights just one Group. Similarly, you can also test featuring 1 key benefit instead of a laundry list of all your features, to see if being more focused results in higher conversions.

6. Promo.com: Use Humor

Promo, a video creation platform, creates super entertaining 15-second video clips on a simple but powerful benefit they provide in their videos.

Their video copy is simply "Create a splash with marketing videos made easy!". And their video shows a Marketing Manager getting literally splashed with a wave of water 💦, then ends with a CTA on how their platform helps you create marketing videos in 5 minutes.

Promo.com video

💪 Pro tips:

  • The most effective campaigns and content both educate and entertain ("edutainment" 😉), so if you can accomplish both, it's a great combo for success.

7. Leadfeeder: Demonstrate Product Features

Leadfeeder, a B2B lead generation tool, shows key features their product helps businesses with in a straight-forward way, during their 1-minute video ads.

Like many other B2B brands, their video ad ends with a clear CTA to sign up, and promotes their free 14-day trial in their ad headline description.

Leadfeeder video

💪 Pro tips:

  • Creating evergreen product overview videos that showcase your unique benefits, means you can can use them across many channels on top of video ads.
  • Try promoting any freemium products or free trials you provide, if you're focused on lead generation and increasing signups.

8. Hootsuite: Animate Video Text

Hootsuite, a social media management platform, doesn't need to add captions or subtitles to their video ads, as they animate and make text an integrated visual component.

This makes it easy for their 15 second videos to be played with or without sound, and without someone needing to read every subtitle.

Hootsuite video

💪 Pro tips:

  • When designing short videos that have animated text, you can easily run them in Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories too.

9. Taboola: Add Simple Animations

Taboola, an advertising publishing platform, keeps their videos simple by only animating the background color of their ads between orange, purple, and green.

Their 3-second video ad is still engaging as they use bright colors that stand out in News Feed, and includes a clear CTA inside: "Drive traffic with native ads".

Taboola video

💪 Pro tips:

  • Follow this guide for using Facebook's free templates to easily create video ads like Taboola. They include animations and designs that are high quality, and are customizable so you can stay on brand.

10. Kajabi: Show Employees

Kajabi, a content marketing platform, takes a unique approach to their video ads by featuring their own employees sharing key points from one of their free guides.

This can make your video ad look like a native video in people's News Feed, leading to more engagement.

Having an employee speaking informally can also make your video ad seem more raw and relatable, compared to videos with high production value.

Kajabi video

💪 Pro tips:

  • Choose a background that features your business logo to increase brand awareness, and make your videos more memorable like Kajabi does when filming.
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Wrapping Up

So that wraps up 10 inspiring examples of great B2B Facebook Video Ad campaigns 🎉.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways you can be creative through simple and short videos, and customizing your ad text. It's always a good idea to test a variety of video lengths, content, and messaging to see what your ideal audience responds to best.

Finally, when setting up your B2B Facebook Video Ads, tagging any ad links with UTM parameters lets you track your web traffic sources, and using Smart Attribution will ultimately enable you to measure the effectiveness of your efforts.

Want to track your Facebook Video Ads ROI? Sign up for a free 7-day PixelMe trial 🎉. Or send us a message from the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner! 💬
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