For as long as Amazon has been around, sellers have been looking for ways to game the algorithm to improve their organic ranking.
But the digital marketplace behemoth is continually on the lookout for “gray-hat” strategies, so while they might work in the short term, the loopholes inevitably get shut down.
With Amazon cracking down hard on these tactics, sellers have progressively fewer options to improve their organic ranking. Yet, a promising new ranking strategy is on the horizon, one that Amazon is not only not looking to shut down, but actively encouraging sellers to take advantage of.
The Amazon Ranking Algorithm in Full Effect
Amazon’s hunt for loopholes has been happening for years. The first to fall was paid reviews, and then rebate reviews.
The latest ranking strategy to come under fire from Amazon? Facebook review groups.
Facebook review groups have allowed sellers to significantly improve the ranking of their products on Amazon. Because Amazon views them as a manipulation of their algorithm, however, they’re working hard to shut this loophole down as quickly as they can, despite the large number of these groups. They’ve even gone as far as suing the leaders of these review groups.
Amazon’s motivation for shutting down loopholes: money – but beyond that, trust. The #1 goal of Amazon is to create a trustworthy site where buyers know they’re not being manipulated. As news comes out that people are gaming the system, it erodes the buyer’s trust, which can send them to off-Amazon competitor sites.
For Amazon, trust equals customer loyalty. Amazon cashes in when customers buy products on their platform, so they’re highly motivated to ensure people buy through the proper channels. As a seller, the most important thing you can do for your organic ranking is to provide a high-quality product that customers want to buy. Amazon will see that you have an in-demand product, and they’ll reward you with a high organic ranking.
With increased competition on Amazon ranking, though, it’s increasingly difficult to get your product to the top of the search results — even if you have the perfect product.
And when a huge percentage of your sales depend on the organic visibility of your products (recent studies have shown that 80% of sales take place on page one of search results), it's become more critical than ever for Amazon sellers to have an organic strategy in place.

The Benefits of External Traffic
Recently, Amazon sellers have been driving external traffic to their listings.
Why would they do this? Great question.
While you can advertise to only a limited number of people on Amazon’s platform, there’s a nearly unlimited number of consumers that you can get your products in front of on Google, Facebook, TikTok, and other ad platforms.
To give you a better idea of the number of people you can reach by advertising off-Amazon, here are the 2022 active user accounts on third-party platforms:
And the best part about advertising on these external ad platforms?
You’ll have Amazon backing you. Because you’re effectively paying the marketing expense for Amazon to acquire new customers, the platform is happy to reward you with significant improvements to your organic ranking.
Maximizing Your Organic Ranking With External Traffic
Now that Amazon is rewarding sellers for driving external traffic back to their platform, running ads for your products on Facebook, Google, and TikTok has become the most powerful way to boost your organic Amazon ranking.
And the best part: This strategy is 100% compliant with Amazon’s terms of service.
If you’re familiar with running pay-per-click ads on Amazon, running ads on third-party platforms will be relatively straightforward. You’ll want to create ads for your products, and then use the targeting systems inside these platforms to get your products in front of your target customers.
Not sure who to target with your ads? No problem.
A great place to start is by going into your Amazon analytics, which will give you a solid overview of the demographics of your current customers, which you can use to create audiences for your ads.
There’s only one problem with the external traffic strategy:
It can be cumbersome.
Running ads on multiple platforms requires you to hop from platform to platform to create your ads, and once they’re set up, you’ll need to jump back and forth continuously to understand your ad performance and optimize them.

How PixelMe Consolidates Platforms and Boosts Ranking
The idea of managing a ton of ads across a variety of different platforms would make any sane person’s head spin. Fortunately, we’ve developed a new ad platform called PixelMe that takes the hassle out of this process by giving you the ability to create and optimize ads for all three platforms inside a single, easy-to-use tool.
Instead of spending hours each week logging into five different platforms and trying to understand how your ad campaigns are performing, PixelMe gives you 100% of the information that you need to optimize your ad spend across multiple platforms — all in one place.
Because PixelMe also tracks 100% of the people that click on your ads, you can now do something that was never possible before: retargeting campaigns.
By giving you access to powerful ad-click data, PixelMe gives you the ability to create campaigns directly targeting shoppers that have already shown a high degree of interest in your products when they first clicked on your ads.
The result? High-converting ad campaigns that boost sales without out of control ad costs and valuable customer data that allows you to knock your future product launches out of the park.
Hundreds of top sellers and agencies (along with many of the top aggregators) have added PixelMe to their arsenal of tools for growth. To find out why, check out PixelMe’s many benefits for sellers.