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March 19, 2024
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How to Get Positive Customer Reviews to Boost Your Amazon Rank

How to Get Positive Customer Reviews to Boost Your Amazon Rank

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Customer reviews hold immense power in today's digital marketplace. As consumers increasingly rely on the experiences of others to guide purchasing decisions, collecting and showcasing genuine feedback delivers tangible benefits for ecommerce businesses.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into how and why reviews work and how to harness their power for your business.

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Reviews: An Essential Amazon Ranking and Trust Signal

Reviews provide sought-after social proof that builds trust and credibility with potential new customers. A recent study by BrightLocal found that 93% of customers read online reviews before making a first-time purchase from a business. Glowing reviews reinforce positive brand perceptions while constructive feedback identifies areas for improvement.

Reviews also yield valuable insights into the customer journey. Analyzing detailed reviews reveals pain points in the sales process and illuminates where expectations are not being met. Businesses can then refine policies, enhance services, and upgrade products based on this transparent input. Review sentiment analysis enables identifying systemic issues versus one-off cases.

Furthermore, reviews boost visibility and search engine optimization on Amazon. Pages with abundant customer feedback benefit from higher rankings in results. This expanded reach exposes businesses to more potential buyers; listing on third-party review sites creates another discoverability channel beyond a company's own website.

But perhaps most importantly, reviews humanize brands. They forge connections through shared experiences and remind customers there are real people behind companies who value their opinions. Reviews close the feedback loop by publicly demonstrating that businesses actively listen, take action, and prioritize customer satisfaction above all else.

Want to hear more about the importance of perfecting the customer experience? Watch our interview with Tomer Rabinovich on Building Brand Success through Customer Experience.

The Value of Proactive Amazon Review Requests

Yet despite the many benefits of reviews, most satisfied customers will not take the initiative to leave feedback. Businesses must proactively invite reviews to reap the full value.

Send well-timed and personalized review requests via email and use post-purchase surveys to capture feedback while the experience is still fresh. Offer polite reminders and small incentives to motivate customers and respond to all reviews quickly and thoughtfully.

The key is structuring a seamless review collection into every customer touchpoint. Implementing these practices earns 10 times more reviews on average, generating a feedback goldmine.

While negative reviews require skillful responses, they provide vital opportunities to resolve issues, earn trust through transparency, and improve. With proactive review collection, businesses can accumulate the authentic customer feedback essential for building credibility, enhancing optimization, forging connections, and driving growth.

Get notified of negative reviews as they happen with AMZ Alert by Carbon6, our 24/7 listing monitoring software.

Customer Feedback Fuels Success

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BrightLocal says simple review requests work: 91% of consumers are more likely to leave reviews when asked. Send timely post-purchase emails or polite website pop-ups inviting customers to share their experiences and capture that 91%.

BrightLocal's survey also highlighted other key areas in the review process that could help encourage consumers to leave reviews:

  • Providing exceptional customer service earns positive feedback. Resolve issues promptly and go above and beyond. 
  • Incentives like discounts or points administered properly can significantly boost review likelihood.
  • Simplify the review process with intuitive design, clear calls-to-action, and automation.
  • Respond professionally to negative reviews and remedy problems to build trust.  
  • Remain authentic: don't violate review guidelines or mislead customers.

Proactively collecting genuine feedback provides transparency, boosts SEO, and enables businesses to improve, driving growth.

Start the Review Process Earlier on Amazon

Amazon understands the value of reviews, and has programs like Amazon Vine to actively help sellers get quality reviews on their products. Vine is considered the most white-hat method of collecting reviews, primarily because it is controlled by Amazon. They manage which sellers can enroll, and only invite selected consumers to participate.

Want to learn more about how Amazon Vine works and if it’s for you? Read our comprehensive guide here.

Review Requests at the Click of a Button

Amazon has also simplified the process of requesting reviews from consumers with the “Request a Review” button to enable sellers to be proactive and also within guidelines when requesting reviews. 

This feature is an Amazon-approved method of contacting consumers who have purchased your products to encourage them to leave a review on the listing. Once clicked, it sends an automated email to the buyer to leave a review. Minimal effort is required and it could potentially have a great impact on your business.

Learn more about how it works with our overview of the Request a Review feature here.

Stay Away From Risky Practices

It might seem easier and faster to just buy reviews, but this is an extremely risky practice. It is against Amazon's terms of service (TOS) to buy or manipulate testimonials in any way, and violating these terms can have lasting consequences on you and your business. 

With so many easy and TOS-compliant ways to request reviews, turning to gray or black hat tactics is an unnecessary risk. Check out our seller’s guide to getting reviews to see just how easy it is to stay compliant and get the reviews you need.

Handling Reviews & Turning Them into Opportunities

Responding to reviews demonstrates responsiveness, strengthens customer relationships, and positively influences consumer perceptions. 

Some best practices for review responses include:

  • Reply promptly within 24-48 hours to show customers their feedback is valued.
  • Personalize responses using the customer's name and maintain a polite, understanding tone.  
  • Offer solutions like refunds or free services if issues are raised in negative reviews.
  • Highlight positive feedback from favorable reviews to express appreciation.
  • Take action by addressing recurring problems and improving areas identified.

Thoughtful responses show a commitment to customer satisfaction. By responding properly, businesses can turn negative experiences into positives and build trust.

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Amazon Reviews and Rank: The Wrap Up

Relying on consumers to provide important reviews can seem like a gamble, but it’s one that will pay off in the long run. Committing to quality products and a flawless end-to-end customer experience will not only help your chance of reviews, but it will improve your business reputation and boost sales.

Another method of raising your rank through positive impressions is leveraging external traffic. With Amazon cracking down on any suspicious-looking review activity, driving more potential buyers to your listing will increase conversions, and in turn increase the number of potential reviewers. Find out more about how to utilize external traffic in our article here.

PixelMe by Carbon6 are the experts at external traffic and can help your rank skyrocket in 90 days. Find out more about PixelMe here.

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