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June 20, 2023
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How To Plan For Prime Day 2023: When Is It and How Can You Profit?

How To Plan For Prime Day 2023: When Is It and How Can You Profit?

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The question on everyone’s mind right now: When is Prime Day?

This year we know it will fall somewhere in July, but we don’t yet know which exact days (Prime Day is actually two days). Predictions say it will most likely fall on the 11th and 12th.

All Amazon sellers and businesses on Amazon should make preparations now, regardless of the decided date.

Update: Amazon officially announced on June 21 that Prime Day will be held July 11-12, 2023.
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Prime Day Power

Firstly, here are a few stats for this epic retail event:

  • There are over 200 million Prime members globally.
  • Last year, customers purchased over 300 million items worldwide on Prime Day. That was a record, by the way. Amazon breaks sales records each year.
  • Forecasts predict two-thirds (nearly 70%) of those 200m+ Amazon Prime members will shop during this year's event.

Prime Day first launched back in 2015 to celebrate Prime members on Amazon's 20th birthday. The original concept for Prime Day was Christmas in July.

That has definitely become the case.

As an Amazon seller you can get details and preparation information for the Big Day(s) directly from the horse’s mouth: Amazon’s Guide To Planning For Prime Day

Amidst the excitement and energy in the ramp-up to this mega sale-day, we encourage sellers to look at the foundations of their retail machine. 

Ready To Go

It's worth noting Amazon had, not one, but two major retail events last year: Prime Day in July and the Prime Early Access sale in October. While Prime Day is a major selling event, there’s another coming over the horizon.

And, of course, the peak holiday selling period is just a few months after that.

Being ready to make the most of these major retail events is exceedingly smart business as Prime Day alone can represent massive sales opportunities.

Of course, if you’ve been in Amazon retail for any length of time, you know that this is true and you always prepare for major selling events. 

So the question now remains: is your Amazon business set to scale?

RELATED: Profit-First Growth Strategies For Prime Day And Beyond

From the above stats it’s clear that every Prime member is likely to purchase multiple items across those two glorious days. If you’re currently selling a few dozen items a day, are you ready to sell a few hundred? Perhaps even more?

Massive sales jumps are not unheard of during Prime Day.

It’s true that Amazon handles much of the heavy lifting; that’s why we sell on Amazon. While these huge sales surges happen over a short 48hr period, there are many valuable, long-term benefits you can get if you’re prepared to take advantage of the sales rush, and tons of momentum to be lost if you aren’t.

Fortifying The Machine

Tool suites like Carbon6 represent a thriving third-party support and enhancement industry for Amazon sellers.

RELATED: The Key Tool That Might Save Your Amazon Business

Amazon’s Seller Central gives you the rudimentary tools you need to set up, run and oversee your Amazon retail operation. Stopping there, however, puts a serious limit on your ability not only to manage and expand your business, but on your ability to stay ahead of the competition.

To really win you need ways to do it better, faster, easier.

Automation, insight, analytics, advertising, optimization – these are but a few of the areas where you, as an Amazon seller, benefit from a fortified machine and expert insights.

Building a large, scalable enterprise requires a foundation that can bear the load.

There are other benefits. Ever hear the saying “nature abhors a vacuum”? There’s a phenomenon that occurs when you’re supremely prepared for a thing. The universe often moves to fill the demand. If you’re so utterly prepared for high-volume sales it hurts, sales will likely flow your way.

Instead of resisting or worrying over how you’ll handle your business suddenly surging tenfold, you’ll stand ready to welcome it and run with it. That peace of mind is priceless.

Simplifying success starts with making everyday business operations easier. Tools within the Carbon6 suite help Amazon sellers like you to automate and optimize their business so they can focus on how to scale to the next level.

  • Drive Growth. Tools to help improve ranking, slash ACoS, streamline your off-Amazon campaigns, and strategize like a pro.
  • Maximize Profitability. Tools to better manage inventory and reduce stockout, rapidly recoup your Amazon reimbursements, and avoid costly fees.
  • Scale with Intelligence. Tools designed to access valuable data, notify you of your competition’s every move, and help you lead with confidence.
  • Go Omnichannel. Although we’re talking about Amazon, tools to expand your business on Walmart.com and beyond can take stellar sales results in one marketplace and pivot them toward increased success elsewhere.
  • Wholesale and Merch. Tools to use results to drive gains across your retail spectrum. Use tools like ScanUnlimited and PrettyMerch to put smarter data behind your Amazon Wholesale or Merch-on-Demand business.

As you prepare for Prime Day you owe it to yourself to have the most robust possible enterprise. One that lets you manage any volume of sales with ease, while capitalizing on every dollar made to ensure that higher sales volume is – and can be – maintained.

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Expanding Into The Future

With a properly prepared machine you’ll be ready for any volume of sales. On that we can agree.

Will you make this part of your preparations for Prime Day 2023?

Beefing up your operations, strengthening your foundation, preparing to handle any degree of scaling necessary – even bursts of growth such as Prime Day – will impact your business for more than just one event. These actions you take—making your business more resilient and easier to manage—will benefit you far into the distant future.

While we are discussing Prime Day in this article, these principles are timeless. Use them wisely, and we wish you success on this incredible sales event.

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