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April 25, 2024
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Amazon Advertising: Latest Features and Updates

Amazon Advertising: Latest Features and Updates

Table of Contents

Get ready to elevate your Amazon advertising game with these updates!

RELATED: Get Seen on Amazon: Quickstart Guide to Amazon Ads
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1. AI-Generated Images Now Available in Sponsored Display

AI-generated images are now at your disposal in Sponsored Display ads, offering you extra creative firepower to expand your audience reach.How it Works

  • Go to the Amazon Ad Console > Choose your product > Generate.
  • Customize your AI-generated images with short text prompts or opt to enhance them with a preset theme.
  • Save multiple versions to test and optimize performance. Each Amazon ad allows up to five images, automatically creating a looping slideshow when multiple images are selected.

Amazon’s internal data found that Sponsored Brands mobile ads featuring lifestyle-oriented visuals can drive up to a 40% increase in click-through rates compared to those with conventional product imagery.


With this new image generation tool, sellers have an accessible and user-friendly option for better creative that doesn’t require in-house resources, agency assistance, or technical know-how. Additionally, it offers a streamlined approach for larger brands seeking efficiency in creative development processes.

Enhance your listings and boost your conversion rates rapidly with our latest offering, ContentPlus. Experience streamlined, fast, and impactful optimization for your Amazon listings, covering lifestyle images, product infographics, review videos, and more.

2. Sponsored TV Signals Integrated into Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC)

Sponsored TV signals are now a part of the AMC platform, offering more detailed insights into TV streaming TV campaigns, including: 

  • Detailed Analytics: You can now scrutinize event-level metrics, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of Sponsored TV ads in driving customer engagement.
  • Unified Attribution: By combining Sponsored TV data with other Amazon advertising channels, such as Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, AMC offers a holistic view of cross-media attribution, empowering you to optimize your Amazon ads strategies.
  • Long-term Journey Mapping: AMC now allows you to map customer interactions over a 12.5-month period, unveiling the complete conversion journey influenced by streaming TV ads.

Available immediately to registered AMC advertisers running Sponsored TV campaigns in the US, Sponsored TV signals data can be accessed seamlessly through the AMC web interface or API.

RELATED: Navigating the Amazon Customer Journey From Search to Purchase, Navigating the Amazon Customer Journey From Search to Purchase

3. Subscribe & Save (SNS) and Prime Video Data Now Available in AMC

Continuing the trend of offering more customer data and insights, Amazon also announced the addition of Subscribe & Save and Prime Video data to AMC. 

SNS Data in AMC

SNS consumers represent some of the most valuable customers for brands in the long term, with some products seeing an increase from 10% to 30% in repeat customers with the introduction of the Subscribe & Save option. 

What’s new? 

The newly available data includes subscription dates, first SNS orders, and repeat SNS orders, enabling in-depth analysis and actionable insights. 

Plus, with data backfilled to June 2023, you have access to almost a year’s worth of historical data, offering the opportunity to look back and measure how Amazon ads contribute to repeat purchase behavior among these high-value consumers.

Prime Video Supply Sources in AMC

Unlike static display ads, advertising through Sponsored TV can give sellers the opportunity to reach a much broader audience in a more engaging medium. 

Amazon recently added more Streaming TV metrics to their AMC dashboard including ad clicks, impressions, video views to completion, and more, so that sellers can understand the impact of their video buy and choose the right audiences to drive the most impact.

If your ad campaigns have become increasingly complex to manage manually, use PPC Entourage to automate tasks and simplify campaign optimization with features like Bulk Engine, Smart Campaigns, and more!

4. Amazon Store Insights Dashboard Update

With the updated Amazon Store Insights Dashboard, sellers can track crucial metrics like average bounce rate and dwell time to optimize their store’s performance.By analyzing user behavior and identifying patterns, sellers can improve store layout, product placement, and content to better align with customer preferences and expectations, ultimately resulting in increased sales and more repeat customers.

Boost your ranking in 90 days, guaranteed. Kickstart your journey with a free ASIN audit by PixelMe. Our team will look at up to 10 of your ASINs and tell you which ones are ready to blast through the ranks!

5. Amazon Demand-Side Platform’s New Creative Gallery

Amazon Demand-Side Platform’s New Creative Gallery

The new Creative Gallery in Amazon DSP makes it easier than ever to experiment with campaign creative. 

How it works: 

  • Click "Create creative” to be redirected to the new Creative Gallery.
  • Explore new creative in 4 categories: Display, video, audio, and component-based. 
  • Customize your creative templates by adding your own brand logos, images, etc. 

You can also tinker with the platform’s creative settings, such as targeting marketplace and languages to refine your creative gallery.

RELATED: Amazon DSP: A Seller’s Guide, Harnessing the Power of Amazon Demand Side Platform
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Amazon Advertising Updates: Empowering Advertisers for Success

Amazon's latest updates enhance advertising capabilities and provide valuable campaign optimization insights.

  • AI-generated Images in Sponsored Display ads introduce new creative options to engage audiences more efficiently. Despite skepticism from some sellers, this tool streamlines creative development and enhances ad appeal.
  • Integration of Sponsored TV Signals into AMC offers detailed analytics and unified attribution, facilitating effective cross-media campaign evaluations. The addition of Subscribe & Save and Prime Video data to AMC expands its dataset, providing insights into consumer behavior and advertising efficiency on streaming TV platforms.
  • Finally, the updated Amazon Store Insights Dashboard and the new Creative Gallery in Amazon DSP improve campaign management and creative selection, leading to better ad performance and increased sales.

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