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April 9, 2024
Shannon Curley
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Who Is Carbon6? How We Went From New Sellers to the All-in-One Amazon Growth Platform

Who Is Carbon6? How We Went From New Sellers to the All-in-One Amazon Growth Platform

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Whether we’re already helping you succeed in your ecommerce business or not, would you like to know a bit more about us?

Who is Carbon6?

More importantly, what did we set out to do, and how far have we come toward reaching that goal?

Hint: “that” goal is mostly in the bag. As is true with any rapidly expanding enterprise, we’re aiming at the next targets ... and the next ... and the next ...

Much has been done but there is so much still in store.

Let’s take a look at the Carbon6 journey so far and where we’re heading.

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Inception Of Carbon6

Our founders were entrepreneurs first, having personally experienced the challenges of operating enterprises reliant not only on data from multiple and varied sources, but subject to the routine chaos of a rapidly evolving industry.

The potential in ecommerce is huge, they observed, but to really “win” at the ecom game requires the right approach. What seemed to be missing was a broad, cohesive foundation of utility software, services, and support from which a seller could grow. 

Running an ecommerce business is complicated, so how could they make it simple? 

With a clear idea for product-market fit, they began imagining what such a product might consist of, and how it might be realized.

Thus began their journey.

A Eureka Moment

In the grand scheme of things, “years” might not sound like a long time. In fact, businesses have been built, grown, and toppled in less time. 

But here’s what the team did with their years leading up to Carbon6’s formal introduction into ecommerce in October 2021: 

  • Walked trade show floors
  • Met with existing software vendors
  • Talked with Amazon sellers at all levels
  • Made a thorough study of what it takes to succeed as an online retailer
  • Spent countless hours observing, studying, researching
  • Considered both behind-the-scenes and customer-facing realities
  • Performed deep dives into how to improve everything from invoicing to inventory
  • Brought on industry experts to fill in their knowledge gaps

And so much more. These became the major elements of our founders’ week-to-week and month-to-month quest for the solution.

Then, one day, they hit upon the heart of what C6 would become.

(Okay, maybe it wasn’t precisely one day, but the time window for their eureka moment was tight.)

One of those founders, Justin Cobb, our now-CEO, sums it up as follows:

“The Carbon6 experience goes beyond software. We’re developing the connective tissue that millions of sellers need to automate and accelerate their businesses, with the support of a broader network of entrepreneurs.”

This purpose laid the foundation of all that would come.

Carbon6 team

Founding Purpose

In order to breathe life into such a big-goal enterprise, and to do so rapidly, the decision was made to bring together a team of existing, powerful utilities and services that were already helping sellers in the ecom space.

The thought process behind this was that, rather than create competing software from the ground up, Carbon6 partnered with proven companies and brought them together into one grand, unified platform. This set of resources would be built-upon and fine-tuned to meet the widest range of needs for Amazon sellers.

It’s what we’ve come to call “founder energy”, and it’s one of our big differentiators.

Founder Energy

While all of the services operate under a single structure, unified and cohesive within the Carbon6 ecosystem, each platform has evolved from its own, unique inception, bringing with it the expertise and passion of its individual founders and team.

This combined – yet individual – energy is what drives Carbon6.

When you’re with us you witness this in action: An environment where everyone is energized by their own founding experience, adding the passion of that original, creative drive to developing the tools and services sellers really need.

Our decision to operate this way has proven to be far more effective than was first imagined. Creating these dedicated teams within teams allows each tool or service provider to do what they do best with a unique drive to deliver the highest quality.

Working with Carbon6 means a whole new level of commitment to your success.

Passion = Success

It’s the mission that gets us up in the morning: Our purpose of simplifying the success of the millions of people who sell online.

We haven’t reached all those millions yet, but we’re making pretty dang good progress.

Day-to-day operations for sellers are complex. If you’re a seller you know this all too well. What Carbon6 aims to do is provide a seamless experience to help sellers turn opportunity into freedom.

Many tools are needed to do that and Carbon6 has identified them and gathered them into our unified suite, making it easy to mix-and-match to get the precise solution(s) you need.

Carbon6 Team

The Ecommerce Opportunity

Why do we do it?

This is a game where everyone has a chance to win. The rise of ecommerce is one of the great equalizers – a way for people from any socioeconomic background to find success in business.

Help is needed to make the most of that opportunity, and this is where Carbon6 finds its purpose, and it just so helps that we love what we do.

When it comes to ecom, has the industry matured? Some would say yes, but most would agree significant growth is still yet to come, and official projections indicate that is absolutely the case.

History & Projections

Retail Ecommerce Sales Worldwide 2020 - 2025 show steady growth.

  • 2020 = $4.2T | Representing 18% of total retail sales
  • 2021 = $4.9T | Representing 19% of total retail sales
  • 2022 = $5.5T | Representing 20% of total retail sales
  • 2023 = $6.1T | Representing 22% of total retail sales
  • 2024 = $6.7T | Representing 23% of total retail sales
  • 2025 = $7.4T | Representing 24% of total retail sales

With over five billion internet users worldwide and growing, the number of people shopping online is ever-increasing.

Serving that demand are between 12 and 24 million online stores, and standing by to serve them are providers like Carbon6.

Our founding slogan aligns with that goal:

“We’re revolutionizing ecommerce, one solution at a time.”

Economic Freedom

If you’re not yet an ecom entrepreneur, and you’ve read this far, we hope:

  1. The story of the evolution of Carbon6 has been insightful, and
  2. You’re starting to get the idea that this selling online thing may be for you.

Advanced warehousing and logistics, pioneered by Amazon, has made it easy to start your own business. So much of the heavy lifting can be outsourced, so many tools exist to help get you going and keep you going, along with support communities, training, and other services to help you scale. 

The biggest thing you need to start your own business is fairly simple:

The decision to act.

If your purpose is to become a successful online seller then that decision may be the last piece of your puzzle.

The good news? Help is standing by. Once you dive in, we’re here. Carbon6 exists to help online sellers find their economic freedom.

Carbon6 Team

Our vision is to transform opportunity into success through a connected platform of tools and expertise designed by and for marketplace entrepreneurs.

We believe technology can be a force for good.

Over the years since our inception we’ve seen this to be true, helping thousands upon thousands of entrepreneurs manage the challenges of growth.

It’s a hugely lucrative world out there, but it’s also a world fraught with potential pitfalls.

Amazon has become the de facto playground for both the future and the current titans of ecommerce. We aim to be the de facto third-party platform for those players that makes increased success all but guaranteed.

Are we looking at other marketplaces?

Of course. Our vision is to provide solutions for every ecommerce marketplace, and in fact we’ve already taken steps in that direction.

As of this writing we offer solutions for:

  • Cross-platform inventory management
  • Launching and maintaining sales on Walmart
  • Off-Amazon advertising
  • And more on the way.

Which is to say, it’s a great time to be an ecom entrepreneur, and it’s a great time to get to know Carbon6.

We are your foundation for the present, even as we’re your lighthouse for the future.

A Future Where More Of Us Win

Every day we celebrate the wins of online entrepreneurs everywhere.

Whether you’re actively using Carbon6 solutions or not, if you’re driving the profitability of ecommerce retail, if you’re expanding the reach of this global phenomenon, then your wins are shared by the community.

The world needs the services you provide. The world wants it. You yourself benefit from people like yourself.

Convenience, speed, service – these have become the watchwords of our modern world, and ecom entrepreneurs everywhere deliver that each and every day.

We Salute You

Not to end this on an overly philosophical note, but the better we are at doing what we do, the better it is for sellers.

In the same way ancient farming and other factors freed time for people to think bigger, build civilizations, create art, and more, the online entrepreneurs of our modern era fill a similar role. They free our time, they make our existence a better one.

If you’re one of those entrepreneurs, we salute you. Thanks to you, the future looks pretty promising indeed.

Carbon6 Team
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