Seller Update: Amazon slashing reimbursement window by 90% on Oct 24... Learn More
Seller Update: Amazon will soon slash 
reimbursement window by 90%... More
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Access All of Your Listing Data in One Place

Multiple tools working together, in one place.

ManageByStats provides high-value resources, data, and tools to optimize your Amazon business, all from one convenient platform.

Your Free Plan Includes:
✅ Unlimited Review Automation
✅ 100 Keywords Tracked
✅ KPI Dashboards
✅ Inventory Management
✅ Product Research Extension
✅ Finances Breakdown Tool
✅ Product Metrics & LTV
✅ Automated Reports
✅ Customizable Autoresponder
✅ KPI Smart Notifications
✅ Product Research Extension
✅ 4 Seller Accounts Free
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Manage & Optimize Your Business

Manage & Optimize Your Business

Profit Dashboard, Statistics, Graphs, Customers, Transactions, Feedback, Reviews, Inventory, and more.

We are constantly evolving our tools and features to meet the demands of Amazon marketplace.

Our goal is to help sellers make more profit on Amazon by better knowing their numbers and the actions to take to make an impact.
Get Started

Feedback & Review
Request Automation

Automate Amazon Review Requests and filter customers based on feedback
(linked directly in Seller Central).

SellerMail Automated Messaging

Automatically create and deploy custom buyer/seller messaging with custom customer outreach emails.



All of your key data points in one place. Explore profits, conversion rate, daily traffic, and more.
Businesses Trust ManageByStats


Active Users


In Customer Revenue


Transactions Monitored


Products Monitored

Automate Checklists and Notifications

ManageByStats auto-generates custom checklists and sends relevant notifications to make sure you are staying on top of KPIs, reviews, inventory, listing changes, and more.
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Automate Checklists and Notifications
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ManageByStats is great! We love it because it connects to Amazon directly and puts all the important data we need into one easy-to-use interface.
Henry C.
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ManageByStats saves me hours every day as my go-to Amazon Seller performance dashboard. Now that I'm a few months in, I couldn't imagine running my business without it.
Joey Shepp | DailyNutro CEO, Amazon Seller
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New tools, new features, new updates – MBS stays ahead of the curve when it comes to must-have Amazon software. ManageByStats has quickly become a powerful tool in our Amazon strategy.
Chris Manderino | Amazon Seller
Access all of your essential Amazon business data from one easy platform.
Get Started

Great news:
Our starter plan is totally free!

Pay as you grow with no strings attached. No contracts, cancel any time.
Plans start from
Product Finder Tool
Reverse ASIN Lookup Tool
Keyword Distiller Tool
Wordsmith Listing Optimizer
Keyword Tracking – 100 Keywords Free
Free Chrome Browser Extension
Carbon6 Free Plan
Seller Accounts – 4
Review Automation – Unlimited
Decisions Dashboard
Profit & KPI Dashboard
KPI Checklists & Smart Notifications
Financial Breakdowns
Statistic Trend Graphs
Automated Reports – Unlimited
Product Research Chrome Extension
Product Grouping & Tagging
Keyword Tracking – 100 Keywords Free
Customized Autoresponder – 1,000/mo Free
Inventory Management
Customer & Transactions Details
Product Metrics
Product Lifetime Value
User Management – Unlimited
Additional Users – Unlimited
Connect Multiple Seller Accounts & Countries
Initial sync: 12 months
Plans start from
$59.97 USD /month
All Free Tools, plus:
Seller Accounts – 8
Keyword Tracking – 250 Keywords Free
Additional Expenses Tracking
Competitor Analysis Tools
Listing Optimization Tools
Product Launch Tracker
Promo Codes Analytics
Geo Analytics Tracking
Repeat Purchase Rate metrics
Custom Audience Generator
University Training Videos
Affiliate System
MBS Enterprise
Advanced Features
All Pro Tools, plus:
Seller Accounts – 12
Advertising / PPC Manager
Custom Logo
Client Reporting
Dedicated Server
Dedicated Account Rep
Initial sync: 24 months
And more!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs.

Why do you need Developer Access to my Amazon Account?
Why do you need User Permissions for my Amazon Seller Account?
How secure is my data?
Do you make any changes to my Amazon Seller Account?
How exactly are the Statistics on ManageByStats counted?
If I sell outside of the USA, can I still use ManageByStats?