What is Smart Attribution?

Getting started with our attribution tracking solution.

Smart Attribution is PixelMe's solution to the issue of attributing conversion across multiple channels.

With Smart Attribution, all your ads and organic campaigns are added into one dashboard. No matter on which platform your ad is running, you can keep track of it in your Smart Attribution dashboard.

We manage this by starting attribution from the source - links. We track users based on the links they click, whether they be in your ad, on social media, in emails, or anywhere else you'd like to place them. We track UTMs (which you can add yourself) so you can easily segment the your attribution data.

We use the PixelMe tracking code (which you can install on all your web pages) to track their progress across your website. With our event tracking, you can place a conversion pixel on any event you deem important to your business - for example, 'sign up', 'upsell', 'purchase', etc.

When the user undertakes any of these action, we can trace it back to the link they originally came from - thereby attributing them correctly, regardless of the platform the ad/post/email/etc. was original on.

In order to use Smart Attribution, you'll need your own website, on which you can add our tracking script. You will also need to use UTMs on your links.

You can find out more about:

Setting up our tracking

Creating links with UTMs

Setting up a filter
