Adding multiple Marketplaces

Adding new Marketplaces in ZonTools is easy.

Video link: Add Marketplace

From login, follow the breadcrumbs to reach your Amazon Marketplaces page:

ZonTools (Menu) > My Account > Billing & Subscription > Amazon Marketplaces

On your Amazon Marketplaces page, you will find all your Amazon accounts (fourth column).  

To add additional or multiple Marketplaces:

Step 1.  
Choose the specific Amazon account that you wish to have an additional marketplace.

For example on this video: Under Amazon Seller account, we chose All Prime LLC.

  1. From your Amazon Marketplaces page, hover your mouse to the three-dot menu (also known as kebab menu) found on the far right, and click View.
    Your Billing & Subscription page opens.
  2. On the Amazon Seller section (left pane), click Add Marketplace.
    You are then brought to the Amazon Seller Marketplace dashboard of the Cart Subscription page.

Step 2.  
Choose the marketplace you prefer.

  1. Scroll down to the Choose Your Marketplace section.
  2. You will see all the available marketplaces for your chosen account.
  3. Choose the marketplace you prefer, and click Add Marketplace.
  4. In this instance, the US marketplace.
    You are redirected to the last section on the page, the Payment Method.
  5. Review the details of the account and if they are correct, click the checkbox at the bottom.
  6. Click Checkout.
  7. You will see a popup confirming that you have successfully added a marketplace.
  8. A dialogue box congratulates you for successfully adding the marketplace.
  9. Click OK.

Two ways to check if your marketplace is successfully added:

In this instance, US. You will see that the system has added the new item, US - your brand to the dropdown list.

  1. Go back to your Billing & Subscription page and you will see under the Order tab your brand has a newly added marketplace.  
  2. Go to the top bar and click the dropdown Select Marketplace.
    Choose the marketplace you have just added. The list shows your brand and its corresponding marketplaces. If your brand has more than one marketplace, it will be shown here.
