Ch. 7: Developing Campaigns in Zon.Tools that Drive Revenue

How to efficiently setup, maintain and scale Amazon Ads

Chapters 1 to 5 discussed what Amazon Pay-Per-Click is and how it works. We also gave several tips on how to maximize the functions and tools of the advertising platform so that your e-commerce business can generate clicks, conversions, and sales in Chapters 3 to 5.

Finally, Chapter 6 introduced Zon.Tools, a reliable and dynamic PPC campaign management and automation software. In it, we discussed at length how Zon.Tools can make Amazon advertising easier than when you use traditional campaign creation and management methods.

Now, we will discuss how to set-up a campaign that can generate revenues. Let’s get started.

PGN: an Automated PPC Ecosystem

Zon.Tools has a proprietary campaign structure called Product Group Network (PGN) (formerly known as Product Group Name). When you create a new campaign in Zon.Tools, you’re trally creating a new PGN: a group or an ecosystem of campaigns that advertise one product.

Each PGN is composed of five campaigns:

  1. Exact
  2. Phrase
  3. Broad
  4. Automatic Campaign / EAT (Enhanced Auto Targeting) Campaign
  5. PAT (Product Attribute Targeting) Campaign

Zon.Tools will create these campaigns based on the keywords you input when first creating the PGN. Essentially, you can create five campaigns in just one click.

io explain PGN concept as a PPC maamgement strategy

How to Create a PGN (io check if same steps v2 v1)

ZonTools ver1.0

Click Add New on the topmost left of the dashboard > Product Group (PGN) > Fill out the required fields > Sync SKUs and Keywords > Save New Product Group

The data you need to provide are:

  1. Product Group Network Settings
  2. Product Group Name
  3. Max. Keyword Spend
  4. Min. Action (# of clicks)
  5. Target Max. ACoS (also your profit margin)
  6. Daily PGN Budget
  7. Default Bid
  8. Min. Bid
  9. Max. Bid
  10. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).
    You may add more than one; must have the same price point and refer to the same product.
  11. Keywords
    We recommend initially putting 5 to 10.

How do you know what numbers to use for your PGN?

For your very first PGN, you may input your ideal settings or thresholds: the ACoS you want to hit, the number of clicks you want to generate, and so forth. At this point, the Keyword Miner (one of the automatic features of Zon.Tools) doesn’t have any data to show yet, so keyword research is a must. Revisit Chapter 2 to refresh your memory on how to do this.

Zon.Tools will gather and record campaign data (much like how Amazon collates six months’ worth of campaign data and presents it in the Search Term Report) the moment you enable a PGN’s campaigns. Since the original settings you put in are estimates, your ideal thresholds will inevitably change the more data you gather.

Fortunately, you can change a PGN’s Product Group Settings if you need to adjust the parameters of an entire PGN group. You can also make isolated changes at campaign level, ad group level, even on single keywords or targets (e.g., add or negate keywords, lower or increase bids, change match types, enable or pause campaigns or change your rule thresholds).

Open the left menu, find the campaign level you want to adjust, and then click on the settings icon beneath the name of the campaign you want to change.

Rules Wizard: Setting your Campaign Rules for Zon.Tools Automation

DISCLAIMER: The Rules Wizard/Threshold Builder uses formulas that the Zon.Tools makers felt would give the best parameters for an Amazon Sponsored Ads campaign. These values are not written in stone, however. You’re free to adjust the formulas or the generated thresholds according to what you feel are best for your product or business.

To make the most of Zon.Tools and its auto campaign management features, create PGNs based on the fields generated by the Rules Wizard (formerly known as Threshold Builder in ver1.0) . You can start using it when you already have several weeks’ worth of data (campaign performance statistics from PGNs/campaigns you create using Zon.Tools).

The Rules Wizard/Threshold Builder is a Google Sheet Zon.Tools provider. It generates ideal campaign thresholds based on historical campaign data, which is then used as the basis for the software’s automatic features (visit Chapter 6 to review).

For example, the Term-Inator negates keywords when they reach Max Spend without selling anything. Similarly, Auto-Mate will reduce the bid for a keyword to Min. Bid if it has zero sales if hitting Max Spend.

Zon.Tools’ automations can only kick into gear when specific triggers are set off. Those triggers are the thresholds which only you can supply.

As long as you have data, using it is as easy as typing numbers in a form.


Generate the ideal campaign thresholds of a new or existing PGN using the Rules Wizard/Threshold Builder.

Fill out the fields in green. You have the advantage here: all the information you need is available on the Zon.Tools platform.

  • Product Sales Price
    – selling price per unit
  • % Profit Margin: Product Sales Price
  • – the total cost of making/sourcing each product unit
  • % PPC Profit Expected
    – Put 0 if the campaign’s goal is visibility; increase the variable according to your expectations
  • $ Average CPC
    – View Search Term Report > Spend CPC column > average cost per click is beneath the Total CPC at the bottom of the page
  • % Average CR
    – View Search Term Report > CR7 column > average 7-day conversion rate is at the bottom of the page
  • PPC Sales Goal
  • – (sales/day): Campaigns page > get the number of sales generated over X number of months from the Orders 7 column > divide sales by the number of days in X number of months

What you need to add next are the keywords. By this point, the Rules Wizard/Threshold Builder will have already generated your Target Max. ACoS. This will be your reference for choosing which keywords to include in your new PGN.

  • Keywords: View keyword report > set ACoS column to descending order > copy the keywords with (1) ACoS equal to or lower than your Target Max. ACoS and (2) has an acceptable number of sales

Get the Top 10 keywords and paste them in the Keywords section of the Rules Wizard/Threshold Builder (one keyword per line).

And you’re done generating your ideal campaign thresholds!

PGN Automations: Features to Look Forward To

Remember all the Zon.Tools automation features covered in Chapter 6? All of them take effect on campaigns created in PGNs.

  1. KeyWord Guardian
  2. KeyWord Recycler
  3. KeyWord Miner
  4. Target Miner
  5. Bid Gambler
  6. Bid Nailer
  7. Term-Inator
  8. ASIN-Ator
  9. Auto-Mate

All of the above automatically implements the changes you’d normally have to do one by one, per campaign, on Amazon Campaign Manager. Best of all, they check on things that are easy to overlook (e.g., reviewing negated keywords if they’re worth putting back into your campaign) and perform in seconds what could take hours when done manually.

To better understand these automatic features and appreciate how they can make Amazon Sponsored Ads work in your favor, explore Zon.Tools. Create PGNs and start testing your campaigns.

Next up: learn how to use Zon.Tools to increase the returns on your advertising expenses.

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