Changing campaign settings using Campaign Info at PGN level

Easy editing and monitoring of campaign settings from your PGN's Campaign Info page

To immediately get to your campaigns and assess their performance with your current PGN configurations, go to your Campaign Info page from the PGN level/dashboard.

You can change 7 items on your PGN/campaign settings:

  1. Add SKU
  2. Add Keyword
  3. Add Negative Keyword/Target
  1. Edit
  2. PGN name
  3. Enable/disable campaign status
  4. Campaign's default bid
  5. Ad Group (Campaign Info page) >  Action button  >  Edit modal
  1. Keywords (Campaign Info page)  > Action button  >  Edit modal
  1. To carry out adjustments directly on your campaign values, click the Action (three dots) button. This button appears in two spots on your screen.
  1. Archive your campaign
  2. You can Archive a specific campaign

For more information on the 6 types of Campaign Info, go here.

To edit campaign settings using Campaign Information:

You are at your Sponsored Product dashboard to reach your PGN:

Amazon Seller  >   Ads  >   Sponsored Product > Product Group Network

To reach the specific campaign data you want to monitor/edit, you can start at the PGN level.  We choose the Sponsored Product dashboard for this discussion but all the steps shown here are also applicable to Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display.

You can:

  1. Add SKU
  2. Add Keyword
  3. Add Negative Keyword/Target  
  4. Edit
  5. Archive

Step 1.  
Choose the specific PGN.

  1. Click the Product Group Network tab (found just below the Campaigns chart).
  2. The table is refreshed to show all the PGNs in your Amazon Seller account.
  3. Go to the specific PGN you wish to access and go over the list of PGNs.  
    Bring your cursor to the specific PGN you wish to access.

Step 2.
Choose the specific campaign type.

On the 2nd column, click the letter buttons to reach the specific campaign type you wish to open. (For example, click E for Exact)

This action takes you to its the Campaign Info page. You are now at your specific campaign's dashboard. You can access all its campaign data from this page and make changes.  The 7 tabs reflect the 7 kinds of Campaign Info you can access:

Step 3.  
Choose the specific Campaign Info page.  

For simplicity of  this discussion, we are using the Metrics campaign info but you can click the others: Customer Search Terms, Products, Ad Groups, Keywords, Negative Target or Targets. Each tab takes you to a different Campaign Info page. For example, if you are wanting to change your keywords, then click the Keywords.

  1. Click Metrics.
  2. A table of all the campaign metrics is shown. See photo above.
  3. You can now drill down to the specific stats you per campaign per PGN.
  4. From the table, choose the specific campaign metrics you wish to view and monitor.  
    The table on Metrics shows 14 campaign metrics.  Use the data filters found on top of the table to further tweak the specific data you need to access.

Step 4.  
Access and change campaign data.

Read the 2 articles for a detailed discussion on what the different Campaign Info pages cover and how to go about adjusting the campaign stats/data you want changed.

In a summary, the table below shows all the changes or edits you can perform on a per Campaign Info per campaign type:

Campaign Info - Campaign type

Action button*

Action button**

Metrics - Exact, Phrase, Broad, Auto/EAT, PAT        

  • Add SKU
  • Add Keyword
  • Add Negative Keyword/Target



Customer Search Terms - - Exact, Phrase, Broad, Auto/EAT, PAT

  • Add SKU
  • Add Keyword
  • Add Negative Keyword/Target

Products - Exact, Phrase, Broad, Auto/EAT, PAT

  • Add SKU
  • Add Keyword
  • Add Negative Keyword/Target

Ad Groups - Exact, Phrase, Broad, Auto/EAT, PAT

  • Add SKU
  • Add Keyword
  • Add Negative Keyword/Target
  • Add SKUs
  • Add Keyword/Target
  • Add Negative Keyword/Target
  • Edit
  • Archive

Keywords - Exact, Phrase, Broad

  • Add SKU
  • Add Keyword
  • Add Negative Keyword/Target
  • Edit
  • Archive

Targets - Auto/EAT, PAT

  • Add SKU
  • Add Keyword
  • Add Negative Keyword/Target
  • Edit
  • Archive

Negative Target -Auto/EAT, PAT

  • Add SKU
  • Add Keyword
  • Add Negative Keyword/Target
  • Edit
  • Archive

* Action button - found at the top right corner of the Campaign Info page

** Action button - found on the last column of the table

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