Creating your PGN: Sponsored Brands

Creating your PGN using your Sponsored Brands uses almost the same set of steps when creating a PGN for your Sponsored Products.

With Sponsored Brands you can create two types of campaigns within a PGN structure:

  1. Sponsored Brands Product Collection ads
  2. The initial PGN created is only 1 Exact campaign that can expand to Phrase, Broad and PAT campaigns in the near future.  
  3. You can select 3 products to advertise.
  4. You can customize your product collection ads in terms of Brand Name, Tagline and Brand Logo.
  5. See Sponsored Brands: Creating and uploading Product Collection ads
  6. Sponsored Brands Video ads
  7. The initial PGN created is only 1 Exact campaign that can expand to Phrase, Broad and PAT campaigns in the near future.  
  8. You can only select 1 product to advertise.  
  9. Your can upload 1 video of the product. The video needs to follow Amazon guidelines.
  10. These guidelines are included in the Add Video step.
  11. You can preview the video directly from Zon.Tools then finalize upload by clicking Upload.

See Sponsored Brands: Uploading video ads


The steps for these 2 types of ad campaigns follow the same steps in creating PGN campaigns. There  are just a different set of inputs but overall the basic flow are the same. Both video and product collection ads are found in the PGN creation pathway/modal.

See Creating your PGN: Sponsored Products


Only users with a Dominator subscription have access to the Sponsored Brands feature (PGN campaigns for Production Collection and Video ads). Analyzer and Masterer users are prompted to upgrade when clicking on the PGN tab.

Video Link: Sponsored Brand Ads

INSERT new video

To create a PGN for Sponsored Brands:

From login, please follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > Ads > Sponsored Brand

Step 1
Launch PGN creation process

  1. On the right corner, click PGN Product Collection.
  1. Click Add New PGN.
  2. The Add New PGN modal appears. This modal is shown as a pathway or process made up of several nodes. You are now at the first node: Select Brand node.
  1. Click the Select Brand dropdown arrow.
  2. A list of all your brands, merchant names or Amazon store appears.
  3. Choose your brand from the list, and click Next.
    You are brought to the second node, Select ASINS.


You can only add your brands one at a time. So you need to go through this entire process per brand if you have more than one brand or Amazon store.

Step 2
Choose your product/s to be included in your PGN.  

On the Select ASINS node, a panel with all your products under your brand appears:

  1. Choose a maximum of 3 products to advertise.  
  2. Scroll down and select the products for your PGN.  
  3. Click Add.

The Product Group Settings popup appears which is the third node on the Add New PGN (PGN Creation) modal.

Step 3
Enter your new PGN details

Ensure all the data fields are filled up, and click Next.

  1. PGN Name
  2. Average Product Price
  3. Average Product Rating
  4. Max. KW Spend
  5. Target Max. ACoS
  6. Default Bid
  7. Daily PGN Budget

Step 4
Add Keywords for your PGN/Product Collection

On the Add keyword data field, add your keywords that you think would best fit your video ad/product, and click Next.

This brings you back to the PGN creation modal and you are now at the Ad Creatives node.

Step 5
Link your Product Collection to Amazon

  1. Enter your Brand Name.
  2. To choose your product/brand logo for uploading, click Select Image.
  3. Either drag-n-drop, or select the image file from your storage/device.
  4. Your logo appears.
  5. Click Save, and then click Close.
  6. Enter your Brand Headlines.
  7. Drag the images according to the sequence of how you want your products are shown.
  8. Click Next.
    This brings you back to the PGN creation modal and you are now at the Summary node.


  • Your Brand logo must be 400 x 400 size.
  • You can choose 3 product ASINs available in your marketplace.

Step 5
Confirm your PGN and Product Collection details

The Summary table shows you all the details you previously provided.

  1. If all the details (both PGN and Product Collection) are in order, click Create PGN.
  2. To exit the process, click OK.

Congratulations, you have a new Product Collection ad as a Sponsored Brand in Amazon.

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