Creating your PGN: Sponsored Brands Video ads

You can now upload video ads for Sponsored Brand on ZonTools.

With ver2.0, you can directly upload Sponsored Brands videos from inside ZonTools. Your video ads are uploaded to Amazon through ZonTools by creating a PGN and then adding the video ad.

  • After a video ad is uploaded in ZonTools, Amazon has a 72-hour window to approve your video and ensure its requirements are met. During this first 72 hours, your video ad will have a Pending Review status on ZonTools.
  • You can only add one video ad per product at a time.
  • Your video ads are keyword targeted, cost-per-click, and are linked to your Amazon product page.

Benefits of Sponsored Brands video ads

Your video ads help increase brand awareness as customers view auto-playing videos on their Amazon page.

  • They stand out in desktop and mobile shopping results.
  • They help customers discover your brand and products as they shop on Amazon.

Video Link: Sponsored Brand Ads

INSERT new video

To upload a Video Ad for Sponsored Brands:

From login, please follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > Ads > Sponsored Brand

On your Sponsored Brand dashboard, scroll down section showing the Campaigns table. It has three tabs on the right corner:

1. Campaign

2. PGN Product Collection

3. PGN Video

Step 1
Launch the PGN campaign creation process

  1. On the right corner, click PGN Video.
  2. Click Add New PGN.
  1. The Add New PGN modal appears.
  2. You are now at the Select Brand node.
  3. On the Select Brand box, click the dropdown arrow.
  4. Choose your brand from the list, and click Next.
  1. The Add New PGN modal re-appears, and you are shown to be at the Select ASINs node.
  1. You will find the list of products in your specified marketplace.
  2. Choose the specific product (your product's ASIN) you want advertised with a video, and click Add.
    The Product Group Settings popup appears.

Step 2
Fill in your PGN campaign information

The Product Group Settings popup is shown as the third node on the Add New PGN (PGN Creation) modal. All the values you enter are applicable to all the campaigns that will be created in this Sponsored Brands PGN.

Ensure all the data fields are filled up, and click Next.

  1. PGN Name
  2. Average Product Price
  3. Average Product Rating
  4. Max. KW Spend
  5. Target Max. ACoS
  6. Default Bid
  7. Daily PGN Budget

Step 3
Add Keywords to your PGN campaigns

On the Add keyword box, add your keywords that you think would best fit your video ad/product, and click Next.
This brings you back to the PGN creation modal and you are now at the Video-Ad Creatives node.

You will find the Amazon video and audio requirements. Be sure that you comply with them so that your video ad is not rejected.

See Amazon video requirements

Step 4
Upload and link your video ad

Ensure your chosen video complies with the video and audio file specifications that Amazon requires (Check out the right pane).

  1. Click Select Video to start choosing your video from your device/storage.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. If the requirements are met, your video will appear on the left pane.
  4. At this point your video is accepted only by ZonTools and is uploaded into its system. (Not yet into Amazon)
  1. Click Next.
  2. This brings you back to the PGN creation modal and you are now at the Summary node.

Step 5
Confirm your PGN details

The Summary table shows you all the details you previously provided.

If all the data are in order, click Create PGN.

A PGN success popup appears, and to exit, click OK.

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