Creating your PGN: Sponsored Product

Create your campaigns using the PGN structure for your Sponsored Products.

In the video below, we use campaigns from Sponsored Product (SP).  The steps to creating a PGN Sponsored Brands an Displays are similar. However, for the complete discussion/steps, click Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Displays.

The PGN feature is only available to Dominator subscribers.

To create a PGN for Sponsored Products:

From login, please follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller  >  Ads  >  Sponsored Product

Step 1
Launch PGN creation

  1. Scroll down past the Campaigns section and graph to the next section.
  2. Click the Product Group Network (PGN) tab.

3. Click Add New PGN.

4. The Add New PGN SP modal appears.
5. The first part/node of the modal deals with the SKU or your product.

Step 2
Selecting your SKUs

  1. Choose the product/s that you want to be advertised and click Add.
  2. The item you selected appears on the right panel.
  1. Other options:
  2. if you change your mind and want to undo it, click Remove.
  3. if you want to manually add your SKUs, tick the checkbox, Manually Insert SKUs.
  4. Click Next.
    You are brought back to the Add New PGN modal.

Step 3
Defining your PGN configuration

On  the second node, Product Group Settings, you need to enter your specific thresholds or rules that will guide the automation engines to implement your PPC campaigns:

  1. Enter information on the following:
  2. PGN Name
  3. Average Product Price
  4. Average Product Rating
  5. Max. Keyword Spend
  6. Target Max ACoS
  7. Default Bid
  8. Daily PGN Budget  
  9. Option 1: To get the values for these required metrics, click here.
  10. Option 2: You can either use Rules Wizard, or Rules Template to help you fill in the campaign metrics/thresholds.
  11. We recommend you use Rules Wizard if you don't have all the values on hand.
    and Rules Template, if you are copying the entire set of campaign rules from another PGN/campaign.  
  1. If you wish to use Rules Wizard, go here.
  2. If you wish to use Rule Template, go here.
  3. If you wish to manage other metrics of your campaign, click Advanced Settings.
  4. Pro-Tip:
    When naming your PGN, use a file-naming convention. When you name your PGN systematically, it becomes easier for you to find them when you use the Search filter.   Example: PGN [product name]  [SKU]
  5. When you are done with data entry, click Next.
  6. This brings you to the 3rd node, Keywords and Target ASINs.

Step 4
Adding Keywords and Target ASINs

  1. Enter your keywords and target ASINs on the left pane.
  2. Enter your defense ASINs on the right pane.
  3. Click Next.
    You are brought to the last section, Summary.

Step 5
Verifying and saving your PGN info

  1. Review the details you plugged in. The Summary table shows you the following:
  2. PGN Name
  3. Average Product Price
  4. Average Product Rating
  5. Target Max. ACoS
  6. Default Bid
  7. Daily PGN Budget
  8. Keywords and Targets
  9. Defense ASINs
  10. If you find all the details are correct and agree to them, then click Create PGN.
  • Or if you don't agree and wish to change something, click Previous.
    You are brought back to the previous node and can keep clicking Previous until you get to the node that you want in order to edit any entry.
  • Or if you want to check on your newly created PGN, scroll up and click the Product Group Network tab. You will find your new PGN in the table.  

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