Difficulties on setting up a Zon Tools account

When you encounter issues in logging in Zon Tools, go through this list and check out ways how to resolve these .

The top four reasons why you are encounter issues that prevent you from setting up your Zon Tools account:

  1. You are using your buyer account credentials.
  2. Please login with user/password combination that has access to your Business Seller Central account on Amazon.
  3. The email/password combination you are using doesn't have proper permissions
  4. Please make sure the email you are using has at least the following permissions:
  5. Campaign Manager: "View & Edit" permissions
  6. Product Ads Performance Reports: "View" permissions
  7. Additionally, please verify that you see Advertising Reports under REPORTS menu on Seller Central before logging in to us.
  8. You have the same email for different Seller Central accounts:
  9. If that's the case, and the logins are differentiated only by unique passwords, please make sure you are signing in with the right user/password combination.
  10. You are a new seller:

Amazon sets up your Sponsored Product Account only AFTER an initial campaign setup.

Please set up the FIRST campaign within Seller Central before attempting to sign into our platform.

You can create a campaign with a $1 budget and $0.02 bid for a SKU of your choice.

