Edit PGN: PGN Name, Daily PGN Budget, Default Bid and Status

Implement changes on your PGN

For this discussion we use Sponsored Products but all the steps shown here are also applicable to Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display.  

  • From login, please follow the breadcrumbs:
  • Amazon Seller >  Ads   >   Sponsored Products
  • On your Sponsored Products dashboard the top section shows the charts/graphs of all your campaigns. Below this is a section that has 2 tabs: (1) Campaigns and (2) Product Group Network

To edit PGN: PGN Name, PGN Daily Budget, PGN Default Bid

Step 1
Choose the specific PGN you want changed

  1. Click Product Group Network (PGN).
  2. Your dashboard refreshes and all the PGN you have created under Sponsored Products are listed in a table.  
  3. Bring your cursor to the specific PGN you want changed.
  1. Go to the last column and click the 3 dots button (Action button).
  2. From the dropdown list, choose Edit.

Step 2
Update your PGN with your edits.

The Edit - Product Group Bulk Editor modal appears.

Your 4 editing options include:

  1. PGN Name
  2. Status
  3. Daily PGN Budget ($)
  4. PGN Default Bid ($)

Enter the changes you want and click Save.  

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