Finding the required inputs for your new PGN

The PGN feature is only available for Dominator subscribers.

On ZonTools v2.0, a PGN is created using a linear representation of the creation process with the Add New PGN SP modal. The PGN creation wizard asks you to enter 3 sets of data:

  1. Product info
    This is your SKU.
  2. Ad metrics
    This is your PGN settings such as prices, rules, thresholds, budgets etc.
  3. Targets info
    This is your keywords, ASINs and defense ASINs you are targeting. The keywords are distributed across as Exact, Broad and Phrase matches in Exact. Phrase and Broad campaigns. Also, The product targets are used to create a Defense Ad Group for your products. For more info,  go here.  

PGN Creation wizard (v2.0)

Note: PGN in v1.0 is similar as v2.0 as both modals asks for the same set of information but how the information is entered is a bit different.

PGN Creation wizard (v1.0)  

Let's make sure we are plugging in all the right values for PGN's data fields. Follow the steps below so you are ready for PGN creation.

Finding values for your PGN Settings

On Add New PGN SP modal, you are required to enter 7 values to create a PGN (default settings):

  1. Product Group Network name  
  2. Average Product Price
  3. Average Product Rating
  4. Max KW Spend  
  5. Target Max ACoS  
  6. PGN Default Bid  
  7. PGN Daily Budget

It has only one item that is a matter of preference (the PGN name) as all 6 items are values you need to have on hand when you create your PGN.
See PGN Creation (1) : Choosing your PGN name.

Let's compute for all 6 values.  

PGN Creation (2) : Finding your Average Product Price

Enter your product's average unit selling price.

This value is used to generate the Category and Brand targets of your PAT campaign in your PGN  

PGN Creation (3) : Finding your Average Product Rating

Enter your product's Average Star Rating.

  • If you have product reviews:
  • Enter your Star Rating.
    This is a value between 1 to 5 (which is represented by 1 to 5 stars) with one decimal place.
  • On Amazon Seller Central  >  Inventory  >  Manage Inventory
  • All your product listings are shown.
  • Click your product listing title.  
  • On the listing, you will see the total number of reviews/ratings and the overall/ average Star Rating.
  • If you don't have product reviews or ratings because your product is new:
  • Use a product rating that you are aiming for, your target product rating.
  • We recommend 4.3 or higher as Amazon imposes a sale drop of 30% for any items with a Star Rating lower than 4.3.

Your Average Star Rating is used to generate the Category and Brand targets for your PAT campaign in your PGN.

PGN Creation (4) : Finding your Max KW Spend  

Enter the maximum amount of money on a keyword or target  you are willing to spend. This is also your total ad spend per keyword w/o sales.

  • Max KW Spend is 0  
    When you a zero value or if you leave this blank,  Keyword Miner ???ASK SARA??? KWG and TI are disabled.
  • Maximum Total Spend per keyword w/o sales - The system will set bid to min on any keyword that reaches this threshold. (Pause for Legacy Automation) Generally the threshold is set to the product unit price but you may want to go lower or higher. An empt field or value of zero will disable KW Guardian and Term-Inator automations.
  • This value sets the bid to your minimum bid on any keyword that reaches this threshold. Your Minimum Bid is one of 7 Rules of your campaign. For a discussion on this, go  here. The threshold is set to the product unit price but you may want to go higher or lower. ???? ASK JE ????

PGN Creation (5) : Finding your Target Max ACoS  

Enter the maximum ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale) you are willing to reach. ZonTools will ensure that you don't reach this value. This value is your maximum ACoS  per keyword in % .

This is a PGN rule/threshold which is your reasonable ACoS goal. It is the maximum ACoS allowed for a keyword. Your Target Max ACoS is used as a threshold to dynamically adjust your bids on the fly. This value is directly related to your sales volume and affects your margins.  

For example: If profit margin is 50%, and you want to retain a net profit of 10% after advertising expenses. So the Target Max ACoS is 40%.

  • If you choose to be aggressive, then your profit margin is your Target Max ACoS:
  • Enter your Profit Margin.
  • To get your Profit Margin, use this link:
  • Taking an aggressive position means you want to rank fast and increase visibility, get traffic, get volume, get velocity, and reach break even levels.
  • If you want to be conservative, then your Target Max ACoS is xxxx?????:
  • To make 10% profit:  subtract from your profit margin xxx ????
  • ???? Ask Je ???? pwede ba ito? Product Margin After Ad Spend (%)
  • This answers how much you expect to earn from PPC ads as a percentage of the unit sales price. Use zero (0) if you intend to reach break even levels for traffic, or launch your product for visibility purposes.
  • Target Max ACoS is 0
  • With a zero value or if you leave it blank the KWG, KWR, KWM, TI and AM are all disabled.

Calculating Your Target ACoS ???ASK SARA???

Your ACoS measures the performance of your PPC campaigns. It’s calculated as a ratio of ad spend to sales.              

For example: You spend $350 on ads and generate $10.00 in product revenue. Your ACoS is 35%.

PGN Creation (6) : Deciding on your PGN Default Bid

Enter the amount of money you’re willing to bid per click.

???? ASKJE ???? To calculate your “default bid,” you need to know 3 items to form an informed decision:

  • Your target ACoS
  • Your product’s price
  • Your product’s conversion rate (CR)

PGN Creation (7) : Deciding on your PGN Daily Budget

Enter your daily total product advertising budget.

This is the largest amount of money you are willing to spend per day on your ads. This daily budget is distributed  across the 5 campaigns of your PGN.

  • This PGN budget is divided according to how likely each campaign can convert.
  • If the PGN daily budget is $100, then the campaign budgets are broken down:
  • Exact  campaign                 $30
  • Phrase campaign                $20
  • Broad campaign                  $15
  • Auto/EAT campaign            $10
  • PAT campaign                     $25

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