How can I check which existing campaign is still in manual mode?

How to know which among your existing campaigns (non-PGN) are not yet configured for automation?

To check spot/identify your non-PGN campaigns:

Login as an Amazon Seller, and please follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > Ads > Sponsored Product

  1. Go to the Campaigns section and check the table.
  2. At the end of the table, check the Rule Name column.
  3. All those campaigns with Unset are all your existing campaigns which are not automated.

This photo shows 3 campaigns which are still not automated.
At the Campaigns level, you’ll see the UNSET under the Rule Name column.

When you find from the Rule Name column, campaigns with the eye icon and a specific rule template name, these are the PGN campaigns that are already automated. The non-PGN campaigns, those in manual mode and not yet prepped for automation, are shown with Unset.

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