How to Identify Campaigns that are not yet automated (Zt ver1.0)

Ensuring the shift to automated PPC campaigns is smooth, we start with identifying the campaigns that are not automated from inside the Zon Tools ecosystem.

To identify which campaigns are not automated:

  1. On the left corner from the top, click Zon Tools Menu.
  2. Scroll down and click Campaigns.
  3. Campaigns is represented  by a blue megaphone icon.
    This action brings you to your campaigns dashboard which shows you all your existing campaigns in a spreadsheet.
  4. Check the headings and look for Max Spend/Max ACoS.
  1. Scroll down the Max Spend/Max ACoS column.
  2. Check for UNSET!  
  3. All campaigns that are not automated are shown with the UNSET! value in the MaxSpend/Max ACoS column.
