Navigation (part 1 of 3): A tour of ZonTools ver2.0

Let's explore ways on how to navigate ZonTools ver2.0

After login, this your ZonTools' landing page:

Top left: ZonTools menu and submenu

Right: default Amazon Dashboard  

A Quick Walkthrough

We discuss key User Interface (UI) elements that you will encounter in getting around ZonTools ver2.0.

ZonTools landing page:  ZonTools Menu, submenu and dashboard

Viewing Campaigns

Please check out: Viewing and managing all your Campaigns

ZonTools' landing page

ZonTools menu
A vertical menu that appears on your top extreme left corner.

As you move from left to right, you can divide the page as having three columns.  Your ZonTools menu, you consider as being located on the first column. The second column is the submenu and the third column is occupied by the dashboard.

ZonTools menu has 4 basic tabs that drill down to another layer or submenus.

  1. My Account
  2. Amazon Seller
  3. Merchant by Amazon
  4. +  

Below is a list of the corresponding breadcrumbs so that you get to be familiar with the coverage and extent of each tab. You can drill down to the pages you need to reach with two layers of submenus. Those in red is the menu layer and those in blue are the submenus. Those in black are the actual dashboards/pages you will reach.

My Account:

Amazon Seller:

Merchant by Amazon:

'+' icon:

ZonTools submenu - The second column from the left shows a list of submenus or 7 categories that when clicked will open pages on your dashboard area (3rd column):

      1. Account Overview

      2. Ads

      3. Metrics Info

      4. Search Term Report

      5. Negatives

     6. Products

      7. History Logs

  • To hide/unhide ZonTools submenus

On the top left header corner,  click the three-line icon (also referred as meatball menu). The dashboard expands.

Main dashboard
Next to the ZonTools menu on the right (for Amazon Seller) is the default dashboard: Amazon Dashboard.

This dashboard has 2 major parts:

  1. Campaigns (metrics and graphs) - upper portion/section
  2. Ads Overview - lower portion/section
  • Campaign metrics - You have 4 campaign metrics shown as cards. These 4 metrics are also reflected on the Campaigns graph below it. You can customize and choose up to 4 metrics cards.

You have 10 Campaign metrics cards to choose from:

  1. ACoS
  2. Ad Sales
  3. Ad Spend
  4. RoAS
  5. Impressions
  6. Clicks
  7. Conversion
  8. Cost per Click (CPC)
  9. Conversion Rate (CR)
  10. Click through Rate (CTR)

  • To customize or replace the default metrics cards:

     a. Remove a metric card:
         Go to the metric card you want replaced, and click x.
         The + Add Metrics card appears.  

    b. Choose other metric cards:
        Click + Add Metrics.  The Customize Metrics modal appears.

        Click the metric card you prefer from the choices, and click Apply.

  • Campaigns graph  - This graph helps you to easily monitor across a period of time your chosen 4 metrics.
  • To customize the data range of the metrics:

       a. Go to the top right corner of the Campaigns section, and click the calendar  

           icon. The Campaigns modal appears.

       b. Enter the values you prefer for the Date, Month and Range data filters.

  • To download a copy of your Campaigns graph:

      a. Click the meatball menu (3-horizontal lines icon) found on the top right corner

          of  the Campaigns section.

      b. Choose either Download PNG or Download SVG.

          A copy of the graph is saved to the default downloads folder of your device.

Ads Overview  
The Sponsored Product is the default tab, but you also have other choices. If you want to see the overviews of your other types of Amazon ads, on the top right corner you find Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Display tabs.

  • To edit Ads Overview:
  1. To edit ad metrics: Click Column Display.  
  2. To edit the number of entries: Click the arrow buttons.
  3. To access rule detail: Click the green plus button.
  4. To show other pages: Click the page number you prefer.

Other UI elements

  • Header bar - Found at the top of the landing page on your right, it has 5 user interface (UI) elements, which you can explore to further move around and access data.  

a. Amazon Seller store name with drop-down arrow

b. + icon or Add New PGN button

c. Box icon or Automation Log Panel

d. Bulb icon or Learn Guide

e. You profile name with drop-down arrow

Each of these icons are discussed in part 2 of the Navigation series.
See Navigation on ZonTools ver2.0 (part2 of 3)

  • Zt button  - At the bottom right corner, you have the round orange Zt logo button.
  • Click the button to engage the Support team for any questions, or search for articles on the Help Center.  

Related Help Center articles:
