Navigation series 1/4 - Zon Tools Tour

An overview meant to equip Amazon sellers at the onset with basic user knowhow of the Zon Tools system.

The Navigation series shows you how you can move around Zon Tools, how it is organized on your screen so that you can use our system successfully. And hopefully, painlessly.

Navigation series has four parts. Part 1 is a walkthrough that starts off after login, covering buttons, icons, shortcuts and other useful user interfaces. We go from top to bottom, and left to right.  

For the series, we use a sandbox account which contains fictitious data and may not look like what yours would. This account does not have as much populated data. At times screenshots from live accounts are used to better show you data.

How to Login

     1.  Login at our home page,

     2. On the top right corner, click the yellow Login that has the amazon logo.

   3. Sign in using your Amazon credentials.

This action takes you to Zon Tools landing page, the Account Dashboard.

      4.   On the right corner, click Open Dashboard.
            Zon Tools Menu and its dashboard appears.

Zon Tools Top/Overview Bar

At the top of the page is the black top bar which stays permanent across levels or dashboards. It houses your most important buttons and other user interface items: menu, marketplace, type of Amazon ads, shortcuts, recommended lists and logout. They stay permanently at the top to help you navigate around the platform and reduce the clicks or steps to go from point A to point B.

  1. Zon Tools Menu - on the extreme left. When open, the menu is your left pane where you scroll up and down to select the levels or pages you want opened.
  2. Beside the menu, off to the right is a flag icon denoting the current Marketplace you are in.  
  3. Account name box - shows your Zon Tools account name.  
  4. Type of Amazon advertising shown as round buttons.  
  5. orange Sponsored Brands button  
  6. blue Sponsored Display button  
  7. red Sponsored Products button
  8. Shortcut buttons  - See full discussion below.  
  9. green Add New button - convenient UI for quickly adding new items like PGN, products,  keywords and negatives from the dashboard, skipping the need to go to the Menu.  
  10. purple Bulk Action button - convenient UI for simultaneously saving all the edits you made on your campaign.
  11. Recommended lists
  12. lightbulb icon - shows you the Tips list. A dropdown menu of blogposts from our website for your easy reference.    
  13. bell icon - shows the New Features list, the latest features added.  
  14. Logout button for exiting.

Zon Tools Menu

From Zon Tools Menu you move from dashboard to dashboard, from level to level.

Tips: Click any area on the dashboard to hide Zon Tools Menu. Alternatively, you can also achieve this by clicking Zon Tools Menu.


Just under Zon Tools Menu, you will find two buttons for tweaking your settings on your dashboard:  

  • Names Length
    The slider allows you to set the number of characters on the names for your PGN, campaign name, ad group name etc.
    Adjust the slider according to your preference and click Save Name Lengths to save.  
  • Rules Time Frame
    Three sliders show up allowing you to set up timeframes for Bids, Mining, and Negating with which the system will use for its algorithms.
  • For Bids: if you choose Last 60 days, it means Zon Tools will use the last 60 days data and use it to calculate the bids. Your bids
  • For Mining: if you choose the Last 60 days, it means data mining for new keywords will cover the last 60 days.
  • For Negating: if you choose the Last 135 days, then the algorithm will use the last 135 days for your keywords and search terms.
  • Select your desired timeframe, then click Save Time Frames.  


The green Add New button is a shortcut so that upon login you can immediately work on adding new items to your PGN, SKUs, Keywords and Negatives.

The purple Bulk Action button is another shortcut. It allows you to simultaneously adopt all the changes you made to several key items on your campaigns in just one step.

The Menu opens a drop-down with 12 levels at your fingertips. Each level will take you to their corresponding dashboards. It has 12 dashboards:

  1. PGN Product Groups,
  2. Campaigns with a megaphone icon,
  3. Ad Groups, with a frame icon,
  4. Keywords, with a key icon,
  5. Targets,  with a bullseye icon,
  6. ASINs, with the amazon icon,
  7. Search Terms, with a org chart icon,
  8. Negatives,  with a do not icon or no symbol,
  9. Products, with a cube icon,
  10. Campaign Permanent Reports, with a reports icon,
  11. Reports, with a bar graph icon,
  12. Rules, with a binoculars icon,

Several of these levels have a drop-downs from which you can further drill down to show more metrics. These have corresponding dashboards with the stats you can review. No need to do manual computations in spreadsheets which you can save and export. Part 2 and 3 give you an overview and a demo.

To retrieve other data or records, you have several options:  

  • To pull out a record of past actions, click History Logs.
  • To show more records, click Server Logs. Several options are provided:  

       Zon Tools Menu > Server Logs > Reports Log

       Zon Tools Menu > Server Logs > Change Log

        Zon Tools Menu > Server Logs > Server Log

        Zon Tools Menu > Server Logs > Reports Log Archive  

        Zon Tools Menu > Server Logs > Change Log Archive  

        Zon Tools Menu > Server Logs > Server Log Archive

  • Automations Overview brings you to a page that deals with algorithmic  automation engines. These six Zon Tools engines are the hardworking bots that implement automation of your campaigns.      

Zon Tools engine

icon / symbol



KeyWord Miner


Target Miner





x icon

Bid Gambler

playstation controller  

  • To add a new marketplace or edit your account payment details, click Account dashboard.  
  • Amazon Storefront ask lalaine
  • The Tutorials, which is in red, brings you to our website, to the Quick Start Guide and other Basic and PGN instructions.  

And when you click Support, where you can access other resources like Knowledge Base and Support. ask lalaine  

(Add photo with annotations:  

Zon Tools Menu  >  Support  > Knowledge Base


And lastly, at the foot of the menu, we have Logout.  I think that is pretty straightforward.

Zon Tools Dashboards

Now that we are done with the left pane. We now move to the Dashboard area, on your right.  We now demonstrate the Campaigns dashboard

Campaigns Dashboard

So, I click Campaigns and the right pane opens to a table, more like a spreadsheet page filled with all of my Campaigns in this particular marketplace. Since this is a dummy account, there is not much to see. But hey for your real accounts for sure all these headings are filled with data.  

And in this instance, what we have here for the campaigns level are 16 columns, 16 metrics. This page makes it convenient for you to pull up the stats and drill down on your campaigns. You access information, from left to right:    

(Add photo with annotations)

Campaign Actions

Targeting State

Start/Date with End/Date

Bidding Strategy

Top Of or Search Product Page

Max Spend with Max ACoS



Clicks CTR (clickthrough rate)

Spend CPC (spend cost per click)

The rest of the other columns are shown based on a period of time.  

The default headings are 7 days and 30 days.  

Orders 30 & SKU30

Sales30 & SKU30

Profit7 & Profit30

CR7 & CR30, or your conversion rate  

ACoS 7 & ACoS 30

RoAS7 & RoAS30 - ask lalaine

And at the bottom of the page, we have gray footer bar. Click any of these footers and you immediately reach their corresponding dashboards.

PGN with the stacks of boxes icon,  

Campaigns with the megaphone icon,  

Ad Groups with the frame icon,  

Targeting Groups with the bulls eye icon which offers two choices, Keywords and Targets.

So there, that's all for today. The tour covered the default page right after login.  

We went through Zon Tools Menu levels and dashboards. These are the very basics to be familiar with the system. I hope you enjoyed today's video.  

Part 2 of the Navigation series tackles how to systematically access data through filters, and other search features.  

(Add photo with annotations)

Do check out the rest of the Navigation series!  


an essential part of our automation strategy.

Let's leave these three aside. We'll tackle these buttons later.  

It's best that you get now an overview of the dashboards so that later, you would know where these three large buttons will take you.  

From Zon Tools Menu we also see several internal reminders, like:  

1. Try Sponsored Brands FREE

2. Try Sponsored Display Free

3. Outlook of All Accounts

(Add photo with annotations)  

We skip them on this video and save that discussion for Smart Navigation, part three of the Navigation series.
