Navigation series 2/4 - Howto Filter Data & Use Search boxes

Saturday, 15 January 2022

6:30 am

Part 2 of the Navigation series is a walkthrough. I’m going to show you buttons, data boxes and icons you need to be familiar with, so that you move around on our platform with the least pain as possible.

Okay, for our video today, we'll tackle 9 data filtering options.

These filtering options lets you retrieve and monitor data from your Amazon account and make changes on your automated PPC campaigns on our platform.

As Amazon sellers you need to have information readily available. You have your reasons: You may want to restructure your campaign strategy, or check your profitability, see your sales side by side with your bids and keywords, or adjust your bids.

To help you get all these done, let's learn how to navigate efficiently. For today's video, let's go through how to Use Search Filters on your ZonTools dashboard. I will walk you through these data filters, from top to bottom, and left to right.

For your easy reference, on the video description below, I will leave breadcrumbs, and links to related articles on the Knowledge Base, and also blog posts from our website.

For this walkthrough, I am using a sandbox account. This account contains fictitious data and may have not look like what yours would as this account does not have as much populated data. With that qualifier out of the way, let’s get started!

Right now, I have logged into ZonTools. From the main menu, I clicked on Campaigns. Your left pane then opens to your Campaigns dashboard. All the filter options we tackle today you can use on other dashboards like your PGN, keywords etc.

Okay, the first set of filters at the top are the three Time Frame Filters. These filters allow you to pull out data sorted according to a specified time frame. We have the

  1. Custom filter
  2. Monthly filter
  3. And Start Date and End Date filters or a specific day filter, via a calendar

At the top of your screen, you can see, Custom filter.,

You use custom filter when you are interested to see data from a specific period or number of days. Under custom filter, you have several options, like:


Last 7 days,.

Last 15 days,.

Last 30 days, and many more, as you can see on the drop-down list. This is useful when you are; tracking your analytics across a period of time.

Or instead of number of days, you may to review specific months. The Monthly filter takes care of that. It has a drop-down list, and you choose which month you want to see.

But, for example, you want to see data on very specific period other than a month?

We plug in the specific dates, from this time to another, so here we click Start filter that shows its default set date. Same with the End filter

A calendar pops out, from where you choose the dates and hit Done.

Okay, moving to the right, you have the State Filter. This shows you the following status of your Campaigns if you are on your Campaigns dashboard. But if you are on your PGN dashboard, then the status of your PGNs will be shown. So for our case here, for the campaigns level, we have options:
The default is All States. We bring our cursor there and click any area in the box for the dropdown to appear.

Enabled or Paused, .

Enabled, .

Paused, .

Archived, .

Or, which campaigns are having an error status. See?

Moving on to the next type of filter, is the Search Text box. Sellers use this when they have a specific item that they are looking for. Like, for example spatula.

This also works for the PGN name,. Or the Campaign name,.

Or even a Keyword, . Or whatever terms you wish to target.

And then, hit the Search button. Alternatively, you can hit Enter on your keyboard

Continuing with our example, you can see the Search results. It pulls up 2 PGNs. And if I want to view and explore the Campaigns in this PGN. I click the megaphone icon underneath.

Voila! The campaigns level or dashboard appears.

??? or PGN name, and you want the stats of this particular Campaign or PGN. To do this, on the Name Search tab, go through the drop-down list. The list uses a matching type method..

Search Text – Shows only the terms containing the keyword you typed in the search box.

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So that's the basics of the data filtering feature.

Are you ready to have more fun with filters?

For the more adventurous ones, we have the Advanced button. It has a magnifying glass with crosshair. This is great for fiddling around, for more filtering, like the name implies. Okay, to start off,
our options are:

Advanced Search – Allows you to search at campaign, product, ad group, keyword, and custom search term level, then filter data using multiple parameters:

  1. Name Search – Search parameters include Match Type (Exact, Phrase, Begins With, Ends With, Doesn’t Include, Doesn’t Begin With, Doesn’t End With) and your search term.
  2. Stats Search – Filters using statistical search parameters (Ad Spend, ACoS, Conversion Rates, CTR, Average CPC, Impressions, Clicks, Orders, Sales). You can overlay up to seven different statistical parameters to home in on the data you need.

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Just below are the Clean button and the Export File button. You hit Clean if you want to ___ and your dashboard shows the ___. And if you want to have a copy of what you see on your screen, your drop-down options are

CSV Export,.

Excel Export,.

or Tab Text.

Your file is then automatically downloaded.

Up next is the Options button. You click Options to toggle on-or off your desired settings. Several toggle options appear like:

Stick Head,

Stick Block,

Stick Summary,

and Show Chart.

After clicking the gray Options button, this turns yellow and is now shown as the Save Options button. This subtle change helps to remind users that whatever toggles you turned on or off, will then be saved and adopted for your next Search.

For Stick Head; if this is toggled on, the title heading or simply head, will be frozen, meaning it will be anchored, locked or "stuck on your screen", even when you are scrolling up and down. This is a helpful trick when you need to see the stats below the title but want to be guided by the title head as you move up and down your data.

Second option to the right we have the Stick Block toggle; When this is toggled on, the title head is automatically toggled off, and the title head is locked in the middle only, as you can see on the screen.

And then, we have the Stick Summary. The stick summary is the total data, as you can see on the screen that is highlighted. For example, I'm highlighting this area here, let's say the BLANK, so all the BLANK will be totaled by the system. After a few seconds the system does its calculations. And Eh voilà! This is your BLANK data.

Show Chart

Just below the Search boxes we have the Paginate button, the default button. After clicking Paginate, this button also changes and now becomes the Clean button. On its left, you will see a row of boxes showing the page numbers of your Search Results. You can either click Previous and Next buttons or the page numbers to move from page to page

. showing the are the Choose this if you want your screen to show more rows for the results page. You enter the BLANK.

As the name says, the Columns Display button. This is for the times when you want only to access several chosen columns displayed on your dashboard. So you want to identify these columns, and have this shown while keeping the remaining columns hidden. To do this you, BLANK

Next. We have the Sync API button. This button is for syncing the latest data available on Amazon to your ZonTools dashboard. Data is synced every 3 hours. And so for advanced users who want to see immediately the latest data from Amazon, and how it impacts on their PGNs and Campaigns and whatnot, they can opt to click this button so whatever changes they have made recently will be synced up.

But do take note, that there is a lag time from Amazon API to our ZonTools system. This is 24 hours if its data, and if sales data, 48 hours.

. Months or years down the road, you can review all your data on the Keyword Page. It only shows the last six months by default; you can use the filters to go further back on your earlier campaigns.

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And lastly, On the corner to the right is the yellow Save Options button. Clicking this brings you to the same options on the Export File button.

So there you have it. 9 filter options on Zon Tools. Okay, I think that's a bit much for today. Let's end it here for Using Data Filters of our Navigation series. As a recap, we have gone through I think, 9 ways for you to access data by using the filter and search boxes on your dashboard.

The 5 box filters,.

  1. Custom
  2. Monthly
  3. Start and End dates
  4. State
  5. Search Text,.

And 4 filter buttons, which include the

  1. Advanced button,.
  2. Clean,.
  3. Export File ,.
  4. Options ,.

As a bonus, while this is technically nothing to do with filtering data,

I have included this here so you can click this if in case you want a quick tour of the platform and become more familiar with its features.

All the way to right hand side at the bottom corner, you will find a blue Learn button. It's that with a graduation cap icon. This built-in tutorial offers a different content from the Tutorials button found on the Main Menu.

I have added timestamps for each of these on the video description box below.

<<Navigation - 01 Filter data & use Search boxes.m4a>>

Audio recording started: 3:32 am Friday, 21 January 2022

I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you on the next one. Be excellent and have a great day!
