Navigation series 3/4 - Smart Navigation

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

11:28 am

Part 3 of the Navigation series, we’ll cover Smart Navigation. We'll go through the basics of accessing data of your automated PPC campaigns. I will show you which buttons and icons you need to be familiar with, so you get to move around successfully on our platform.

We'll go through five functions:

  • Calendar integrations,
  • Recording,
  • Screen sharing,
  • Annotation, and virtual backgrounds.


Okay, right now, I have logged into ZonTools. And for this walkthrough, I am using an experimental account with a US marketplace. So this account only holds fictitious data, but these are based on market scenarios. When you open your account, you will see far more data.

Set up your filters.

1 Enable with Parent State

We launch a keyword level search. From the Menu, we click  this filter shows only enabled keywords under active ad groups and campaigns.

You can download whatever data you’re viewing on the Keyword Page and isolate them to gain a fresh perspective, which is helpful when you’re strategizing. After setting your filters, click on “Export File” and download the data in TXT, CSV MacOS, or XLS Windows.

These automations for creating campaigns and filtering data makes the work of Amazon advertisers easier. They save time, enforce correct parameters, and recycle useful data that might be overlooked. They help advertisers optimize their advertising budgets and design campaigns that generate profits.

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And here we are This pretty much explains how you use the titles and the icons to navigate from the top which is the campaign, all the way to the bottom, which is the custom search term, and in-between. Now you can choose to see all the data within those campaigns versus simply the data within an ad group or simply the data or a custom search data within a unique keyword.

I will walk you through from the Campaign dashboard. Okay, on your screen, shown is data from this sandbox account.

I will now choose a specific campaign. Let's see how we can drill down and access more information from where we are right now.

Let's see what stats and more we can learn about this campaign.

Let’s say, this silicon brush campaign.

  1. Under the name of this campaign title, I click on the red-framed icon, which represents the ad groups.  It opens the ad groups of silicon brush. As you can see, there are three ad groups: one Broad, one Phrase and one Exact.
  2. I can also choose to see what are the SKUs, or what ads I’m running within the broad match ad group. To do this, I click the purple box, which is under the ad group name. This leads me to the  product ads which have SKUs.

After clicking, it pulls out what are the ads inside this ad group. For me to see what keywords are running within this ad group, I need to click the yellow icon.

See? It shows me the keywords being run in this campaign silicon brush.

Right now, there is only one keyword that has been running in this ad group. For example, if we want to see the keyword broad match. I can.

This is one level deeper.  and pull out all the Custom Search Terms

that have been generating this amount of sale over the last six months which is the time frame that I selected on the top. To see the custom search terms, simply click on the black icon.  

This pulls out all the custom search terms that have generated a sale from that broad match keyword within the last six months.

To drive all the way up to the top of the campaign level, I simply click over here, the campaign name (Silicon Brush).

If I was winning and I would just want to go to the ad group level, I would just click the ad group name (Broad). Let’s go all the way up to the campaign. I’ll just click Silicon Brush.

After going through that, seeing keywords in only one ad group, we can do other stuff. Let's now look for all the keywords that are in this campaign. Starting again from the Campaign level, which means we are at the Campaign Dashboard, I click the keyword icon.

You can see that now, we are at the keyword dashboard or page. It shows all the keywords. And, in this example, there are only three. This is a test account that has been running within that campaign. In your case, for instance, you can expect more.

And for each keyword, on the second column, it shows you which ad group they belong to.

You can also sort them by Sales in a descending order which is already done.

You can clearly see that, in this case, the silicon brush which is a broad match generated most sales than anything else over the six months.

Now, if I was interested to check all the customer search terms generated in this campaign.

I can do this by going back to the campaign level, which means we go back to the Campaign dashboard and from there we get to explore. (visuals: go back to Campaign dashboard).

I now click the black icon in order to see all the customer search terms which I have been bidding on, on this campaign.Again, you can sort Sales in a descending order, which has already been done because it’s the selection I have used before.

And after reviewing all these data, I can then conclude, the bestselling term in our example is silicon brush brushes again, but not from the broad match which I have shown to you awhile ago.

  1. And then let us try to now match all the data together of the campaign. I can tell that the phrase match was actually the one performing the best, bringing the most volume at the ACoS, which is very similar to the broad.
  2. You can then optimize and choose what keyword you want to keep, or what keyword you want to pause, or how to update your bids. This basically gives you enough data to strategize.
  3. What’s really nice is you can further drill down by checking the statistics of this particular keyword, I can simply click the keyword.  Here you are.

You are brought back to just the keyword (silicon brush). And now, you can see the keyword in total and its statistics. To see the statistics of the ad group of which this keyword belongs to, I click the ad group title. Then, see the statistics of the phrase.

Okay so far, we’ve covered a lot of ground on this video. As a recap, we completed drilling down from a from a Campaign dashboard to the nitty and gritty information of our campaigns.

From the Campaign dashboard we pulled out

Join me for the next video where I’m going to demonstrate how to navigate with the left menu.

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I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough.  You can leave your questions on the comments section below and I will try my best to reply as quickly as I can. Thank you for joining me on this tutorial, and I'll see you on the next one.

Be excellent and have a great day!
