PGN Creation (1) : Choosing your PGN Name

The PGN name is actually more important than it may seem.

The PGN name is actually more important than it may seem. The

You want to have your products name, for example, here, taco or taco holder, then the match type. So, what type of campaign are you doing? In this case, it's exact, and then the date and this is specifically the date when you started running the campaign.

This become super important later when you look back at this. It's often a problem, if you skip doing this, that you can't figure out when I started running that campaign. So, this is a really good way to date all of your campaigns,

When naming your PGN, use a file-naming convention. When you name your PGN systematically, it becomes easier for you to find them when you use the Search filter.  


PGN [product name]  [SKU]

Using random labels for campaigns and ad groups.

This is a simple organizational matter, but one that can make a huge difference in your overall efficiency and campaign tracking methods.

Disorganized labeling could make things messy, confusing, and time-consuming. You could, for example, overlook campaigns that require more frequent monitoring, spend ten or more minutes just looking for the Nth ad test you ran for X campaign, or accidentally run a second ad for the same keyword group.

PPC advertisers worth their salt approach campaign creation strategically, and that includes using proper naming conventions for each ad type they run.

What you can do:

Devise a logical naming structure when you do A/B testing or run multiple campaigns at the same time. Make it descriptive and easy to remember. Use broad terms for campaign names and then use sub-labels for ad groups.


Naming structure for an ad campaign for ergonomic computer chairs:

Campaign name: ergonomic computer chairs

Ad group 1: ergonomic computer chairs A

Ad group 2: ergonomic computer chairs B

Ad Test 1: ergonomic computer chairs – test 1

Ad Test 2: ergonomic computer chairs – test 2


When naming your PGN, it is best to keep a system or nomenclature so that you can easily find your PGNs and get to your specific metric that needs adjusting.

From login, follow the breadcrumbs to reach PGN dashboard:

Amazon Seller > Ads > Sponsored Product > Product Group Network

To edit your PGN name

  1. Go to the PGN level which is Product Group, click the edit action icon and go to the Edit screen.
  2. Here you can edit the total daily budget and the default bid as well as change names. So, if you were to add ‘silicon spatula’, and for instance, you’re running a new process or have new people, and you want to add the SKU to this specific PGN within the names of everything inside the PGN, in order for your team to understand what product this SKU is, just go here, and click Save Record. I just simply added the word SKU in the middle.
  3. These are the confirmations. The top two shows that we pushed everything back to Amazon and the bottom two shows we downloaded them back.
  4. Earlier, at the campaign level we had ‘silicon spatula’-“match” but now after refreshing the page, it’s changed to ‘slicon SKU spatula’-Broad. We edited everything as requested.
  5. Also, if you move one level down and display all the Ad Groups within this PGN, you see that earlier, we had ‘silicon spatula’ as the name but it’s now named ‘silicon SKU spatula’.
  6. Basically, we took your request of changing name and pushed it down within the ecosystem so that everything that we’ve previously named one way within the ecosystem is changed to your new naming at the click of a button, without you going over to every single campaign and Ad Group.

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