TIPS & TRICKS: Advanced Re-structuring of your PGN campaigns

When to create parent and child PGNs


We are selling socks with size variations. The socks are sold in different sizes but have  the same price.


I start with one PGN or EPBA set holding all keywords and all variations. After a while (30 to 60 days), simply pause the variations with the lowest click-thru-rate (CTR).

Let’s talk about product variations that share several
similar keywords but also have their own distinct keywords.


We sell 3 kinds of spatulas: wood, bamboo, silicon.


For a high volume keyword like spatula, obviously, you would want to show which spatula material has the highest  (Click-Thru-Rate) let’s say silicon spatula to get the initial click and let customers that click through choose whatever variation they prefer to buy once on the listing.

However, there are keywords that would be specific to one of the variations and you would only want that spatula to show (e.g. wood spatula or bamboo spatula).

The end goal is to have:

  1. Create 1  PGN that will hold all keywords and all variations.
  2. After a period of 30 to 60 days, pause the variations with the lowest CTR.
  3. Main PGN for the product that sells the most where you have
  4. dedicated keywords:      silicon spatula
    general keywords:         spatula
  5. This is your initial, oldest PGN.
  6. Two ancillary PGNs: one each for the wood and bamboo.

The wood and bamboo PGNs will have only dedicated keywords and you would negate the wood and bamboo words (Negative Phrase) out of the main PGN, and negate the general spatula words (Negative Exact) out of the ancillaries.

This will give you 100% segmentation, perfect search term isolation, and control on where the traffic is sent, in order to both keep your offer hyper-relevant to buyer search and keep the data and automation nice and tidy.

Once more, In my opinion, the easiest way to get to this point is to start with ONE PGN or EPBA set holding ALL Keywords and ALL variations, and do 2 things:
– Identify what the “MAIN” variation is
– Identify what the ancillary Keywords are

Go about splitting them only after you have all this data.

80/20 Pareto Rule:

– If the Silicon Spatula is driving 80% of searches and 80% of sales, why bother to start 3 PGNs or EPBA sets up front?
– If you do not know what variation will be the 80/20, what better way to ask buyers to vote with their clicks (and start with All in ONE PGN or EPBA set)?

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