Viewing your History Logs

This is a new feature in ver3.0 which makes it easier to retrieve past commands across campaigns, ad groups and keywords.

The History Logs feature shows you all the history of actions taken, both by you teh seller and by the system, ZonTools. These are changes that were implemented per product, campaign, ad group, and keyword. This repository includes automation commands, such as Insert, Delete, Update.

For example:

On the Keyword Automation Log, you are able to see the PGN your campaign belongs to, the ad group and keywords, the bids before and at the end of automation.

Video Link: Viewing History Log

From login, please follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > ZonTools (menu) > History Logs

Under ZonTools menu, there are seven pages/dashboards you can open:  

  1. Account Overview
  2. Ads
  3. Metrics Info
  4. Search Term Report
  5. Negatives
  6. Products
  7. History Logs

And under History Logs, you can access 11 sets of records. Among these records contain the actions taken by ZonTools automation engines.    

  1. Product Group Logs (PGN)
  2. Campaign Logs
  3. Ad Group Logs
  4. Keyword Automation Logs
  5. Keyword Miner Logs
  6. Term-in-Ator Logs
  7. Keyword All Change Logs
  8. Target Automation Logs
  9. Target Miner Logs
  10. ASIN-Ator Logs
  11. Target All Change Logs

You have the option to study the charts/graphs at the top on the landing page as well as go to to the History Logs to pull out more data in table format, to analyze and tweak your automation with.

If in case you are interested to know the granular details of your keyword automation, and how the automation engines work, you can do so.

Example 1
Pull up the history logs or completed actions to your PGNs

Login and follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > ZonTools (menu) > History Logs > Product Group Logs (PGN)

The steps for pulling up your PGN are the same same set of steps for monitoring your:

  1. Campaigns
  2. Ad Groups
  3. Keyword automation

From the Product Group (PGN) Log page/dashboard, you can click any of your PGN to further see all the algorithms used.

Example 2
Pull up your Keyword Automation Logs

If you want to see the bidding adjustments done by the system, this is where you can do so.  The keyword bid before and after the automation are shown below.

Login and follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > ZonTools (menu) > History Logs > Keyword Automation Logs

The Keyword Automation Logs dashboard opens and you have details you can filter and customize according to what you prefer.

  1. On the Status search box, enter the detail you want pulled up, and click Column Display.
  2. Enter any keyword, PGN, Campaign, AdGroup on the Search box.

The table shows these default data:

  • PGN
  • Campaign Name
  • AdGroup Name
  • Event
  • Keyword
  • Begin
  • End
  • Tag


You can also access the Keyword Automation Logs as a preview or panel: On the default page after, go to the right corner of the top bar, and click the gears icon. A list of the Latest Automation Logs opens on your right.

Example 3
Pull up your Keyword Miner Logs

Keyword Miner Logs show you the actions taken for each keyword of each campaign during automation by the Keyword Miner engine.

Login and follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > ZonTools (menu) > History Logs > Keyword Miner Logs

Example 4
Pull up your  Term-in-Ator Logs

Login and follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > ZonTools (menu) > History Logs > Term-in-Ator Logs

Example 5
Pull up your Keyword All Change Logs

Login and follow the breadcrumbs:

Amazon Seller > ZonTools (menu) > History Logs > Keyword  All Change Logs
