What are the benefits of migrating to v2.0?

The major difference between ZonTools ver2.0 and ver1.0 is the user interface (UI) upgrade.

The major difference between ZonTools v2.0 and v1.0 is the user interface (UI) upgrade. Your PPC data is easier on the eyes as they are presented in a graphs format with related buttons for easy-to-implement actions.

Other v2.0 upgrades include:

  1. Merch by Amazon (MBA) Support
    All Merch By Amazon users can enjoy what Seller Central sellers have had accessed to for years. This is a big moment for ZonTools, as we are now the first in the market to offer campaign creation and fully automated campaign management for MBA advertising campaigns.
  2. PGN campaigns for Sponsored Display ads
    Sponsored Display ads target high buying intention shoppers and chase shoppers who have viewed your product for the past 30 days. With this new feature, you need not go to Amazon Seller Central, to have your ad shown to shoppers who have viewed your product but did not purchase them. You can now do this while logged in ZonTools.
  3. PGN campaigns for Sponsored Brands Product Collection ads
    ZonTools also now allows users to execute product collection ads of Sponsored Brands. You can now select a best brand logo and a maximum of 3 products per ad. You can also arrange the sequence or order how your products are shown.
  4. PGN campaigns for Sponsored Brands Video ads
    Aside from product collection ads, your Sponsored Brands Video ads can now be uploaded directly from ZonTools. When you upload a video ad on ZonTools, you need to allow 72 hours for Amazon to approve your video. Your video would still undergo Amazon's vetting process to ensure their requirements are met. During the vetting process, the campaign status is shown as Pending Review.
  5. Rules Templates
    You can now re-use your campaign rules from PGN campaigns by saving them into rules templates. You need not re-enter them in the future if you want to use the same set of rules in the process of creating PGN campaigns. Best to save high performing rules.


  1. All the automation engines are retained with the same features as v1.0
  2. Expect these 3 features in the next upgrade:
  3. TACOS Metric
  4. Bid-based Dayparting
  5. Amazon DSP

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