User is using Proxy, VPN, or any other security connection servers
Permissions are not properly set on Seller Central
Login issues on V1 only:
Check if the Amazon email and password is correct
Re-subscribe Error when opening dashboard (Newly subscribe account not synced yet, it may take an hour before they can access account)"Not sure kung pasok po ito sa login issue but this happens"
Your access to this site has been temporarily limited by the site owner error. (Needs to be reported to Abdullah for fix)
Database Connection Error: Access denied for user 'US-3431620732659993'@'localhost'.(Needs to be reported to Abdullah)
Login issues on V2 only:
Check if Zon.Tools account email and password is correct
Unable to login due to 500 error message. (needs to be reported to devs)
as there are permissions and account information from your Amazon Seller account which turn out impact Below are re are several reasons why you are having login issues.
You are using your buyer account credentials
The top most reason that you could not enter Zon Tools is that you are attempting to login using your Amazon buyer credentials and not your seller credentials.
Check that both your user name and password you are entering are your Amazon seller credentials. Use your Amazon Business Seller Central account on the Sign in popup.
The email/password combination you are using doesn't have proper permissions
Go to your Amazon Seller Central account, and check the corresponding permissions assigned to the provided email:
Under the Amazon Advertising menu, go to Campaign Manager found on the extreme left corner. Ensure that the given email has View & Edit permissions.
Under the Amazon Advertising menu, click Campaigns found at the top of the menu.
Click User Permissions > Manage Permissions > Type of Permission > New >
There are four types of permissions. You can assign: None, View, View & Edit, Admin Ensure that the corresponding email has View & Edit permissions
Under Advertising menu, go to the Product Ads Performance Reports. Ensure the email has View permissions.
You have the same email for different Seller Central accounts
If you have more than one Amazon Seller Central use the same email address for have that's the case, and the logins are differentiated only by unique passwords, please make sure you are signing in with the right user/password combination.
You are a new seller
Amazon sets up your Sponsored Product Account only after an initial campaign setup.
Set up your first campaign within Seller Central before logging in Zon Tools platform. You can create a campaign with a $1 budget and $0.02 bid for a SKU of your choice.
For some sellers, a Sub Account need to be createdwith all the permissions above.
In a rare case, if doing all the above does not work, you might have to create a new email and give it the proper permission. Use this newly created email to access Zon.Tools.
Please try these and login again with your email.
Login Link:
(You can use the Amazon Login button on the homepage or bookmark it)