Customize Ad Settings in PPCs to your Amazon PPC.Within PPCs this is broken down into 2 different areas: Product Group Settings and Campaigns Settings Override

As the names imply, Product Group Settings are settings you configure for a product group. This can, for example, include a single ASIN/SKU or a branded campaign of similar products.You can configure Global Settings (applied to all Product Groups) by clicking on the settings icon.

Each setting you configure will let PPCs know how you want to optimize each Product Group. For example max bids, conversion limits, negative match recommendations, etc.This will impact the results for other PPCs tools like Bid Optimizer, Quick Negative Matcher and others.You can also update individual Product Groups settings.This includes Target ACoS, Editing Target Campaigns, Creating Campaigns and/or Adding Keywords/ASINs to an existing Target Campaign.

Or by clicking on the settings for that Product Group - found in the cog wheel on the far right of each Product Group row.Here's a quick breakdown of each of the Connected Campaign (Keyword Extractor) settings:Edit Targets: Edit existing targets you've created for a Connected Campaign. Often done by using Keyord Extractor feature. If targets have not already been created for Product Group this will not be visible as a setting.Create Campaigns: Set up a Connected Campaign for the Product Group. You'll be taken through the settings and requirement to create the Connected Campaign that includes Product Groups ASIN/SKUs.Add KWS/ASINs to Target Campaign: Add and update Campaigns with new keywords and ASINs along with additional Campaign settings you can customize.In addition to Product Group settings (which can include multiple Campaigns) you can also use the Campaign Settings Override.You can update the Campaign Target ACoS as well as override Product Group Extractor Settings.

Click the cog wheel on the far right for each Campaign to update additional settings.It's important to use PPCs settings in a way that works with your overall Amazon PPC structure, budget and goals.As a final reminder, Product Group is a 'level up' from Campaigns and can/will contain multiple Campaigns. So you'll want to make sure your settings are set at the right level and include any overrides to customize Campaigns.

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