Campaign Manager Walkthrough and FAQ

Campaign Manager

The below screenshots will take you through how to set up a campaign in the campaign manger.Navigate to the campaign manager in your dashboard on the left hand side blue tool bar.

Click on Seller.Tools Chat (available now) or any new options available.

Choose your campaign type.

Choose your theme.

Update and customize and choose next.

Fill in details.

Confirm campaign name and save.

Customize your message.

Only shipped status is available currently.

Choose your products.

Customize your Thank You Page.

Design your QR code.

Test and verify.

Confirm and test your QR code and continue and you are all set!


What is the campaign manager?This is a new offering helping Sellers engage with their customers within the boundaries set by Amazon. Currently, we have released the post-purchase campaign. That means that the endpoint of these campaigns is URL for me to provide a QR code. The idea behind this is that this code would be part of the packaging of a product and therefore the end buyer can scan the code and go through the flow that the seller set up.Can we edit the flow in the ST Chat, just we could in ManyChat?The current flow is coded using the framework from an external software, so there is no easy way to edit the flow.During the creation of a campaign, the chat doesn’t workThe chat becomes active after the campaign is set life. After the company said life most of its properties can still be edited except the name of the campaign.Why cannot I edit the name of the campaign?In the current implementation, the name of the campaign is part of the URL pointing to it, and therefore, it is not editable.On what devices can buyers use the chat?The chat is supposed to work on any device including phones and tablets.Who can use the Campaign Manager?Customers can use the Campaign Manager from the starter plan and above. The number of active campaigns are not limited. For details, see the pricing page.

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