Keyword Manager

Keyword Research

Now it’s time to add your most relevant competitors.If you are going through the wizard for the first time, the list of competitors will be empty.You can get a list of competitors using their ASINs or by searching for keywords. The minimum number of competitors is 4 and we do recommend selecting 10.SellerTools will build for you a list of competitors. Now select checkboxes on the left of the competitor’s product name and click the button "Add to List of Competitors".

In the next, 3rd step, SellerTools will analyze keywords for selected competitor’s products. Click the button “Next Step: Analyze Keywords”. This could take a while so please be patient and wait for the process bar to reach 100%.

When keyword processing is done you will see the list of all keywords based on your Competitor's list. The list of keywords is sorted by the importance we considered to be relevant to your product. We call this priority of keywords.The keywords will not show data if their priority is set to Very Low (grey color). To activate data for those keywords, you will need to set priority to Low, Medium, or High, which can be set manually.The most important keywords will have High Priority (red color) and the rest will be given Medium Priority (yellow), Low Priority (purple), and Very Low Priority (these are considered as Inactive and are grey).

You can manually change priorities for all keywords as well.

You will see the number of keywords in the list and pagination if there is more than one page of results. To show more or fewer keywords per page select different numbers from the dropdown.

The keyword list is sortable, searchable and for even more control, you can use the Advanced filter.

To learn more about the data each column represents, move the mouse over the column name and the help will show in a tooltip.

If there’s any keyword you don’t see on the list you can add keywords manually using the “Add keywords manually” button.

Once you’re happy with a list of keywords click the button “Next Step: Manage Listing” where you can manage your listing.

Please proceed to the next step, "Listing Manager".

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