Product Manager - Get Started

Product Manager

The Product Manager allows you to work with listings and associated keywords efficiently. By design, it helps you to focus on what's important instead of being bombarded with thousands of keywords. Additionally, it will provide you with and empower your decisions with the very best data available.To get started, click the Product Manager link in the left navigation and you will get all your products listed.

Two tabs for the products lists are available; “My Products” and “Other products”. Under “My Products” are listed products from your Seller Central and under “Other products” you can add products manually. This is useful for example when tracking a competitor’s products.Products are listed by priority and the most important products will be listed at the top.You can change the priority of each product using a slider on the left side of the product name. The blue color makes a product inactive, purply make it active, and red makes it a top priority.

You can filter products by priority by clicking a color in the header.The list is searchable by ASIN or product name. If you made recent changes in Seller Central and these changes are not reflected in Seller Tools, click the “Refresh the list” button. If the product was not found during syncing with your Seller Central, an icon with a tooltip will appear on the hover.

At the bottom of the page, you can choose how many products do you want to see on each page.

In addition to the priority, each product features a product name, ASIN, current sales rank and its change, the number of keywords tracked, and price.Clicking Sales rank will open the BSR graph. Data can be filtered by setting a specific time frame picking the dates within the calendar.

The Product Manager works as a wizard and guides you through the steps.To start the wizard click the product name. You will be taken into the 2nd step of a wizard named Competitors.

Please proceed to the next step in the wizard.

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